5 🐾

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"Hey Hobi, how was your day? Jeongguk asks his roommate and best friend as soon as he enters the apartment. "Did something happen again?"

Hoseok looks up and smiles. "No, nothing happened, got a private session with a rich guy and guess what?"

"What?" The younger sits down next to him and waits.

"J wants me tonight, that's why I went home and will be back later." Hoseok's excited but Jeongguk's jaw drops. Why would J choose someone else now? He needs his money.

"Wait, but he'll come to me too, right?" Even though he already knows the answer, still wants to make sure.

"As long as I know, he didn't ask for you. Maybe he got tired of waiting and now thinks that I'm less stubborn. Gguk, you know how some people are, it's like a game for them." Hoseok shrugs, standing up.

"But J is different, he really likes me. I can't believe he's one of those people. I- I need the money, Hobi. Gureum's surgery and tests cost too much." He's close to tears, hopes that everything is just a bad joke.

"I'm really sorry Gguk. You know, even if I'd reject him, he'd search for someone else. I can't say no, I still have to pay for the car." Hoseok knows that he can't change it and so does Jeongguk, but the younger won't accept it. He needs a plan.

While Hoseok takes a bath, Jeongguk sleeps. He's exhausted, mentally and physically. It doesn't make sense, is sure J still wants him. The guy was always so nice and even though the older man tried to get into his pants, he never had forced him. Jeongguk needs him back as his client, no matter how.

Hoseok has left already when he woke up. After checking the time, Jeongguk takes a shower.

Around two hours later, the stripper is standing in front of the all too familiar house. Taking a deep breath, he knocks three times.

Taehyung's head peeks through a gap and then the door opens completely. "Come in Mister Jeon."

"Jeongguk." The younger says. "Call me Jeongguk please."

The vet nods, stepping aside to let him enter. "Follow me, they're already upstairs and playing with each other."

Jeongguk can't believe his ears. If it's true that Gureum is friendly with another dog, he's going to eat a broom - not literally.

They climb the few steps and Jeongguk's eyes widen. "The doctor's dog is sniffing Gureum's butt, only to jump around happily afterwards. His small baby didn't even bark or flinch. What sorcery is that?

"Why so surprised? I've told you that they like each other." Taehyung laughs, walks over to them to lift his own dog up. "This is Yeontan, I call him Tan the most time."

Jeongguk nods. "He's cute, I like the name." A sigh leaves his mouth. "Look Mister Kim, I-"

"Taehyung, if I can call you Jeongguk, then you should call me Taehyung." The older smiles again.

"Oh, okay. Look Taehyung, I think it's really adorable that our dogs are so close but even though I can pay you back in my own pace, it will take at least a year." Jeongguk looks into his eyes, searches for sympathy.

"I had a feeling that it would be like that. I've already told you that you can visit him as often as you please. You can take this suggestion or reject it, but let me tell you one thing." He pauses, puts Yeontan down to the floor. "Any other vet will take the same amount of money or even more. If you don't believe me, you can consult them."

Jeongguk feels bad, of course he's believing him. "No need to." Maybe it's time to listen to Hoseok's advice. He's a stripper, can make people happy and Taehyung looks like someone who's often alone, based on the room he's currently in. There aren't any couple things or pictures, Jeongguk's sure that everyone needs a little bit of action in their life, sex wise.

"What are you thinking about?" Taehyung rips him out of his thoughts.

The younger clears his throat, wants the ground to swallow him. He can do that, is not a pussy. "Is there a possibility that I can pay you back in an other way?" Jeongguk sees the confused look on the vet's face and before the older can say something, he continues. "I strip for a living, not going all the way, but you know what I mean. It's my job to make sure people feel good, even without having sex or even getting to touch me." He gulps as Taehyung's eyes widen but doesn't stop there. "How about I pay, additional to money, with my body. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean sex, there's so much more to my job than that."

It's takes the older a few seconds to recover from what he has heard. "Wow, that's why you were covered in glitter the first time you came to me. And here I thought you're kinky." He chuckles. "Look Jeongguk, it really sounds tempting but I don't know." Taehyung knows that if he agrees, Gureum would be back to his owner way earlier.

"Oh come on, I won't see you naked and I will always keep my panties on. Please." Jeongguk sounds desperate, there's no way back now.

"Let me- Let me think about it for a few days. It's catching me off guard, not gonna lie. I mean, I don't get such offers every day." Taehyung tries to lighten the mood and it works.

Jeongguk sighs in relief, it could have been worse. "Sure, take your time. The surgery, I'll do it nonetheless. Gureum's health is the most important and the rest we can solve when you made your decision." He doesn't have a good feeling about him saying yes.

"Alright, I'll schedule it on the day after tomorrow. I think you should go now, I'm really tired and need a hot bath." Taehyung pats the other's shoulder, tries to show him that it's okay and that he doesn't send him away because he's weirded out.

"Okay, have a nice evening Taehyung. I'll be there in two days." He bows slightly and goes downstairs, followed by the vet who locks the door after him.

Jeongguk wants to scream, now that he's alone, everything that has happened comes back to him. How would he feel if he'd be in Taehyung's place? A stranger suggesting a striptease to pay his dept? Shit, he sure has messed up.

✔ An Immoral Offer // BTS Taekook 18+Where stories live. Discover now