19 🐾 (M)

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They go out on a date two days later, it's disguised as a dog date. Taehyung's deep in his thoughts, when Jeongguk intertwines their fingers. A small smile shows up on the vet's face and he squeezes his hand a little.

Both walk in comfortable silence, until they sit down on a bench. The younger is turning his body more to the other, not letting go of the hand. "Hyung."

Taehyung looks at him, hums to show that he's listening.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think we both like each other. I mean, it's obvious and maybe we should take the next step." Jeongguk's bottom lip disappears between his teeth. Even though he can read people well, there's still a chance of being delusional.

Taehyung sighs dramatically. "Why are you like this?"

Jeongguk's eyes widen, did he mess up? "What do you mean? Oh shit, don't tell me you just see me as a friend." He covers his face with both of his palms.

It takes everything in Taehyung to hold himself back from hugging him and placing a kiss to his temple. "Jeongguk." He starts with a serious tone. "You're working for me and it's not really professional to be in a relationship with a colleague."

"I resign. I'm quitting, I don't care if I have to live on the streets then. All I want is to be with you." Jeongguk gets up, calling his dog so they can go back and cancel the contract.

Taehyung chuckles. "Sit down Gguk, I was just kidding. It's my vet and I can do what I want. There's no such a rule."

Jeongguk groans, hates being played but rolls his eyes and sits down again. "I hate you."

"You don't, you love me and I love you." Taehyung pulls him onto his lap, making him gasp. "Be my boyfriend?"

"You really think I'm going to forgive you so easily?" The younger scoffs.

"Actually, I do. Now tell me your answer, I can't wait to kiss you while we are together as a couple." Taehyung's caressing his cheek, looking lovingly at him.

"Okay, fine. Let's be boyfriends then." He rolls his eyes again, can't suppress a smile from showing up.

That's all it needs for Taehyung to lean in and kiss him passionately. They don't care about other people who are also in the park, some of them not liking what they're having to witness.

Before it gets too heated, they fetch their dogs and walk back home.

"Babe, move in with me." Taehyung says as soon as they're seated on the couch.

"Bold of you to think that I haven't yet." The younger laughs, straddling the other's lap to continue what they had to end not long ago. "There's nothing left in my apartment, I don't own much anyway."

"You own my heart now." Taehyung smiles, gets a not too rough slap on the shoulder.

"That's so cheesy, oh my god, stop it." Of course Jeongguk loves it, the slight blush of his cheeks exposing him.

Taehyung hums, silencing him with his lips on the other's. Of course it doesn't stay like that for long. Jeongguk's ability to make him feel good by using his lapdance skills proves one more time how smitten he's of the younger. They moan into the kiss, while Jeongguk begins to move faster and Taehyung to hold him more tightly.

"Is it too early to ask if we can continue this in our bedroom?" The older breaks their make-out session.

Jeongguk doesn't answer with words, he just gets up and pulls him up as well. "Thought you'd never ask."

Taehyung shakes his head amused. "You know, you could have suggested it too."

"Nah, I like when you're in charge." With a wink, he leads them to the shared room. Pushes Taehyung down to the bed, as soon as they're in front of it. "I really can't wait to have you inside me, Hyung."

✔ An Immoral Offer // BTS Taekook 18+Where stories live. Discover now