13 🐾

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Taehyung is looking up to the stage where Jeongguk is currently performing.

The vet's mouth is slightly hanging open, tongue wetting the dry lips from time to time. He can't take his eyes off the younger boy, he's so hot, too tasty looking to want to miss a second of the show he's giving a lot of men. Although it looks like Jeongguk is only dancing for him, in case the fact that their eyes meet more often than not is an indication.

The growing problem inside his pants is making Jeongguk fucking smirk at him, how dare he! Makes it even worse as the younger stares shamelessly at it, biting his bottom lip in a too sexy way. Great, Taehyung is fully hard by now, can't even hide it from anyone seeing, because of his size.

If you take a look to his left, Yoongi isn't any better, although his eyes are fixated to the other stage, right next to Jeongguk's, where Hoseok is grinding the glittery ground. Yoongi totally not forgets to breathe for whole ten seconds.

"You're drooling Yoongs." A voice interrupts his daze, he smacks his lips to check if saliva has already left his mouth but to his luck, it hasn't. The older hates that he has to turn his head, - to see his friend - away from the dancing art in front of him. First thing he notices is the raging boner. "Bro, what the fuck?"

Taehyung groans, then a scoff leaves his mouth. "What about you? You're aren't one to talk, so shut up."

In fact, only now does Yoongi feel the confinement of trousers that are suddenly too tight, which don't give his cock any room to fully unfold. "Fuck my life."

"More like, fuck this ass." Taehyung tries to be funny, he's not himself tonight, doesn't usually make dirty jokes.

"You little f-" Yoongi gets a glimpse of said perfect ass, when Hoseok pulls his tiny panties down a little. "Okay, maybe you're right, but only if he lets me, not gonna force him into anything."

"Oh boy, is he seriously licking his nipple while looking at you? How is this even possible?" Taehyung looks down to his own chest, tries to reach it with his tongue but with no luck, at least not where his bud is. "It's not possible at all!"

"Have you seen his tongue? It's fucking long. Maybe I'm gonna bottom for him, not planning to say no to a fine guy who can eat ass like that." Yoongi was never more happy about being a switch than right now.

They receive judging looks from a few men around them, so they stop talking and continue drooling over their boys.

The show is over and Jeongguk immediately leaves the stage, while Hoseok collects the hundred Won bills from the ground for both of them.

"Hyung!" Jeongguk says breathless. "Hyung wait, you need to meet my friends." He stops Namjoon, who was walking the opposite direction of his.

"Hey Ggukie, where are they?" The tall bodyguard looks behind the smaller but can't see anyone.

"Oh shit, you right. Wait here for me, don't move an inch. I'll be back in a minute!" Jeongguk speaks while jogging backwards.

Namjoon chuckles. "He's so adorable, gonna miss the bunny and his squirrel friend a lot."

Jeongguk enters the area where all the potential clients are waiting for the next stage and sees Taehyung with Yoongi, standing awkwardly in a corner. He smiles and walks over to them. "I'm so sorry, forgot that you both don't know where to go to. Follow me please, gonna introduce you to Namjoon, the other bouncer or bodyguard, whatever you prefer calling him."

The older ones follow him as requested, trying to cover their still obvious bulges behind sweating hands.

They reach a more secluded area, finally able to relax. "It looks nice here." Yoongi notes with an approving nod.

"Yeah, boss spent a lot of money on this club. It's sad that he had to sell more than half of the shares." Hoseok has joined them a few seconds ago, wearing a loose shirt over the crop top. Yoongi frowns at that but changes his expression as soon as he himself has noticed what he was doing.

Namjoon clears his throat. "Hi, you must be the lucky boys, I'm Namjoon."

Taehyung and Yoongi bow to him, receiving one in return. "Nice to meet you and thank you for always taking care of all the workers here." The younger of them says grateful, speaking Yoongi's mind as well.

"Oh wow." Namjoon chuckles. "Thanks man, it's nice to be appreciated once in a while." His dimples appear as a wide grin takes over his features. He saw their raging problem, it's not a rare sight here but these boys seem so innocent.

"Anyway, now that I know your faces, have fun guys." Namjoon winks at Jeongguk and Hoseok, noticing their gazes on the 'clients'. Maybe soon there won't be just fake moans coming out behind closed doors.

He walks away to meet with Seokjin, they still need to talk about how they're gonna handle the situation if it escalates.

"So." Yoongi sighs, somehow feeling uncomfortable.

"Oh yes, I've booked us room number eight, it's directly opposite of theirs." Hoseok drags him to said room without hesitation, locking the door afterwards.

"Uh, it's time I think." Jeongguk awkwardly rubs his exposed arms, avoiding Taehyung's eyes.

"Hey, it's just me. We did it once and this won't be any different, right?" Oh if Taehyung would have known how wrong he was, he wouldn't have said anything.

✔ An Immoral Offer // BTS Taekook 18+Where stories live. Discover now