15 🐾

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It's time for Taehyung to leave the room. They open the door after getting dressed. Jeongguk sees Jae in the corner of his eyes, he's leaning on the wall a few meters down the hall, watching them.

"Baby, I really can't wait for the next time you fuck me. Your huge dick makes me feel so good and I'm afraid I can't walk tomorrow." The stripper pecks his lips with a chuckle.

Taehyung immediately understands and keeps the act going. "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll let you ride me after I've eaten your ass. How does that sound?" His expression is hot, lips wet and eyes hooded. They don't whisper, make sure that they're heard.

Fuck, Jeongguk thinks, Taehyung is a really good actor. "Perfect, but not here. Let's do it at yours, without a stupid time limit." He winks, placing his palm over the older's crotch, squeezing him gently. "You're hard again, seems like we have to do it tonight too. Wait for me in the room where I've fetched you, I'll be done in around an hour." He pecks him again. "Don't miss me too much." The side of his lower lip disappears between his teeth when he leans back, looking Taehyung up and down. "Fuck, I'm so lucky to have you."

Taehyung groans, wants to push him back into the room and fuck the sass out of him. Instead he smiles. "I'm the lucky one Ggukie. See you soon and think of me when you have someone over. Rile yourself up, just don't forget that only I can have you the way they want."

"Don't worry babe, this ass-" Jeongguk slaps his behind. "-is only yours." Pulls the older into a wet kiss, pressing their bodies together.

Even Hoseok and Yoongi, who came out of their room not long ago, belief that their friends had sex. There's no way they hadn't.

"Bye, don't have too much fun without me." Jeongguk leans back, chasing the other's lips once more. He just can't let him go, Taehyung is addicting.

"I won't, gonna be so bored until you're done." A cute pout froms.

"Aw, stop being so adorable. Go, or else my boss is going to scold me." The stripper takes a step back, then another. "Miss you already."

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Can't they be less, I don't know, cheesy? My toe nails are curling upwards."

Hoseok laughs. "I think it's cute." He looks at the older. "It's not like you didn't say sweet words to me too, a few minutes ago."

Yoongi's cheeks become rosy. "Oh shut up." Pulls him closer to whisper something. "I also called you my bitch when I fucked you hard."

"Damn, I don't want you to leave, stay and book another hour." Hoseok wants to spend more time, isn't in the mood to dance for a stranger.

Jae interrupts their moment, the second Taehyung has left. "Ah I see, the virgins finally got some dick. Now that there's no need to hold back, I'm gonna visit first Jeongguk, then you. Make sure you're all clean and ready."

Yoongi scoffs. "No."

"What?" The older man who had turned his back to them, turns around again.

"I'll take Hoseok and Jeongguk with me. There's no way they're gonna stay for one more second in this club." He looks at the stripper. "Fetch your things babe, I'm gonna fetch Jeongguk. We're leaving."

Jae suddenly laughs loudly. "And who do you think you are to decide that? They have a contract, until this week is over, they're mine."

Hoseok holds his stomach. "Uh, ah! I think I'm sick. Ugh." He fakes a gag. "Shit, I was with Jeongguk all the time, I think he has gotten it too." Hoseok runs to the younger's room, entering it, then slamming the door shut.

Yoongi smirks. "Well, seems like there's nothing you can do now, huh?"

"This is not over yet!" Jae shouts, anger written all over his face.

"Oh, I think it is." The club boss is standing behind the tall man. "I'm still the owner and I'm giving them their last few days off."

"Thank you sir." Yoongi bows to him. "We really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, now go and tell them." He turns to J. "We have a meeting now."

"There's no meeting scheduled." The other complains.

"Now there is, look at your phone." The owner says while typing something on his own. A ding-sound announces the arrival of the message.

With an annoyed groan, Jae walks away, mumbling some things no one understands.

Yoongi smiles wide, showing his gummy. "You're one smart guy."

"You know, I have a son their age and Jae is a person who doesn't know boundaries. If I would have had the choice, he wouldn't own half of my club." He sighs. "Unfortunately, I didn't have a choice. Please take care of Hoseok, he's a good guy. And tell your friend to take care of Jeongguk as well."

"I will, don't worry sir. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." The man leaves, is happy to know that they have someone by their side.

Hoseok comes out with Jeongguk in tow. "Oh, where is the fucker?"

"Gone, let's hurry before he comes back." Yoongi holds Hoseok's hand and brushes his thumb over his knuckles, to tell him that everything is going to be fine.

Jeongguk eyes them with interest. "I see how it is. Let's get Taehyung and leave. We don't have stuff here." All the clothes they usually wear for a show, are from the club. They could take them home, but didn't have to pay for it. If there's still something in their lockers, no one cares. The cleaning staff is going to throw it away soon.

Taehyung's surprised to see the three of them walking towards him. As soon as they reach him, he hugs the youngest. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you while we drive home." Yoongi only says and that's the cue to finally leave the club forever.

✔ An Immoral Offer // BTS Taekook 18+Where stories live. Discover now