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I nodded and watched as she grabbed my pink water bottle off my side of the desk. She slides back the water bottle along with a $10 bill I look at her my face obviously showing I'm confused.

"I told you I'd pay" She looked at me

"I don't want your money Billie" I quietly laughed

But she didn't stop looking at me, it was a mutual thing. We were just starting into each others eyes. The moment was ruined when..

•• Laila's pov ••

"Did I not tell you girls to stop talking" Mrs.Hemgin snarled "Office now"

"Okay okay chill you don't have to ask me twice" Billie said

"What was that Ms.O'connell?" The teacher snapped back

"We will be on our way Mrs.Hemgin, sorry class for the interruptions" I said

I knew Billie was about to snap back just by the look on her face so I grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door. Dragging her ass to the office with me not letting her say a word. Again still in this annoyed mood, today is just not the day. Luckily for us the office is very familiar with me, Mrs.Hemgin would send me here for any small reason so I've gotten very close with all the workers especially my favourite

"Laila darling oh how I miss you so much"

There she is my favourite Mrs.Brooks. She is the office secretary and quite possible one of the nicest old ladies you will ever meet. Whenever I got sent down here me and her would just talk or as she likes to say "chit chat" the whole time.

"Who have you dragged along with you today, hello ms blue eyed beauty, I'm Mrs.Brooks nice to meet you dear" she smiled

"Hello, my names Billie nice to meet you too" Billie smiled

She has a really pretty smile, and perfect little dimples that fit her face perfectly

"By seeing you here Laila I'm guessing it's good old Mrs.Hemgin, I told her to be nice this year or else she would end up in the office" She rambled "Just do as she says, although I love the company down here I do still have to take record of how many times you visit" She starts laughing, me and Billie both look confused "I'm just kidding I don't keep track when you come here how could I? I know it's never a real reason"

And this is why I love Mrs.Brooks so much

"As much as I would love to chit chat more with you ladies I do have to get some work done, and sending you girls back to class is probably a good idea"

We agreed and started to head out

"Wait wait girls before you go..do you want some candies? I bought some new ones, and I only share with my favourite people" She sends us a warming smile

** time skip **

Two more classes, just two more classes. Today has been bad I won't lie, accept when I saw Mrs.Brooks with Billie that was the only good thing that came from today. I have photography right now and our task is to pair up with someone and basically take pictures of eachother. Jordyn actually switched into this class today so me and her obviously paired up as partners and headed outside.

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