Characters of the story

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Shen WeiA beautiful GIRL that was drooled by all the men in the university and outside including her step-brother

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Shen Wei
A beautiful GIRL that was drooled by all the men in the university and outside including her step-brother. She and her twin brother were lived with their step-brother after their mother and step-father were dead. The kind step-brother became an evil when he tried to rape Shen Wei. Shen Wei ran away and met with Zhao Yunlan who saved her from that evil guy. But she ended up had a night stand with Zhao Yunlan during her unconsciously drunk, caused her ran away from him too. But unconsciously, she brought together the memory of Zhao Yunlan to her new life. Unexpectedly, she met again with Zhao Yunlan after a few years she was missing. 
(**Thanks to someone to create this girl face of Shen Wei 😘💕)

Zhao YunlanHe is a CEO of souvenir company that owned by himself with the help of his bestfriend, Da Qing

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Zhao Yunlan
He is a CEO of souvenir company that owned by himself with the help of his bestfriend, Da Qing. He collects all the crafts from the world and sell those through his company with his company's brand. He has his own richness by his hardworking. He has his own hidden life that buried deeply inside his heart. He fell in love to Shen Wei after he saved that beautiful girl from that evil guy. He aimed to make that beautiful girl as his wife, but his plan ruined when Shen Wei suddenly is missing on the next day he woke up after a night stand with her. But then, they met again with the crochet crafts brand from Shen Wei.

Shen YezhunHe is a younger twin brother of Shen Wei

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Shen Yezhun
He is a younger twin brother of Shen Wei. He lost her sister on that night after he backed home, but his step-brother didn't say anything. After a few days, he got a call from his sister's friend, Chu that telling him that his sister is with him and told him everything. As he knows what was happened to his sister, he hit his step-brother and ran away together with his sister and built a new life under Chu's care.

**Below characters didn't have any picture as I am lazy to find the pictures of them since they are just a supporting characters in the story 😊😉

Chu Suzhi
He is a friend of Shen Wei that bumped to her after she ran away from her step-brother and Zhao Yunlan. Chu brought her to his house and called Yezhun to tell about what was happened to Shen Wei, caused Yezhun hit that step-brother and ran away to Chu's house. As Chu didn't want Yezhun was caught up, he brought both Shen Wei and Yezhun to build a new life in the other city.

Guo Changcheng
Shen Wei's secretary that working for Shen Wei in Shen Wei's crocheting shop. Guo in here is a GIRL just like Shen Wei. She is a girlfriend of Chu and always supported Shen Wei in whatever Shen Wei did. Chu asked her to work with Shen Wei and guards Shen Wei from anyone that tried to hurt Shen Wei.

Zhao Zhuhong
She is Zhao Yunlan's elder sister that lived with Zhao Yunlan's dad. She loves her brother and always protecting her brother. Only she knows the hidden life of Zhao Yunlan but she can't be with her brother always. She sent her friend, Lin to work with Zhao Yunlan to guard on her little brother from anyone who wants to hurt his brother.

Zhao Xinchi
He is Zhao Yunlan's dad that always abused Zhao Yunlan since child for a reason that Zhao Yunlan and Zhu can't accept that reason. One day, he tried to kill his own son, Zhao Yunlan and Zhu pushed him off the stairs caused him hospitalized. But Zhu asked Zhao Yunlan to run away. Since that day, Zhao Yunlan never come back to Zhao Xinchi's house and only Zhu is taking care of him. But still he sent someone to find Zhao Yunlan silently.

Da Qing
He is a bestfriend of Zhao Yunlan that sharing the company with Zhao Yunlan. He is the one who saved Zhao Yunlan after that guy ran away from the home. Da Qing gave him an apartment to live while helping him to build a company for Zhao Yunlan to support Zhao Yunlan's life. Zhao Yunlan debted much to Da Qing and they are depended to each other since Da Qing is an orphan who owned the richness from his dead parents. Da Qing is a doctor who is working in the same hospital as Yezhun after Yezhun transferred to that city.

Wang Zheng
She is Zhao Yunlan's secretary who has a crush on Zhao Yunlan since the beginning she works with Zhao Yunlan. But Zhao Yunlan never see her as a special girl since Zhao Yunlan's heart is already taken by someone. Wang tried to persuade Zhao Yunlan, but only got a glare and scold from that guy. Finally, Wang gave up and found someone else.

Sang Zhan
He is the driver of company's van for Shen Wei's crocheting shop. He always sent the crocheting crafts to Zhao Yunlan's company and always met with Wang. He falls in love to Wang every time he met with this beautiful girl. He tried to approach Wang, but Wang never see him at first. Sang never give up and he finally achieved his goal.

Shen Wei's step-brother who is tried to rape Shen Wei on that night but lost Shen Wei. He got a hit from Yezhun, caused him hospitalized. But he didn't report to the police as he didn't want to be caught by his own wrong did to Shen Wei. He tried to find Shen Wei and to get Shen Wei again. But he didn't expect that Shen Wei is married and has a pair of twin kids with that guy. But still he makes a plan to ruin Shen Wei's life.

Pair of twin kids
**Secret for now... You can follow the story to know about them two. Who are they and whatever related to them two 😊

Author's note: This 7th story is a WeiLan couple where I make Shen Wei as a GIRL again and the normal love relationship between girl and guy. This story will have some kind of matured content, just a slight matured content which means beyond the kiss and also have some abusing scenes. I just warn earlier to you before you read. And thank you for who are reading my story. You can read and imagine as you wish about Shen Wei. But for me to write, I just can imagine Shen Wei as a girl. Sorry if you feel my story is different and unrelated to WeiLan fans. About the comments and votes, I didn't bother if you want to be a silent readers or want to comment or vote. It's all your right to decide and I will reply the comments. I am just writing what I want. But still I appreciate to all who are reading, voted and commented my stories. Thanks once again.

With love;
beauty_zyl  😘💕

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