Chapter 8

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Author's note:
You want to see the sweetness of them, the parents (Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei), readers? Well, let's see their sweetness after their marriage. How they build their family after what was happened to them. How they manage their children while having their romantic life to each other. But don't forget, they still have someone who wanted Shen Wei too. Please beware of the slightly matured content. Thank you 😊


Zhao Yunlan brought Shen Wei to his house after the wedding ended, leaving behind the kids with Yezhun to take care of them tonight. Of course Zhao Yunlan wants a privacy with his beautiful angel that he married today. And of course the kids were crying to follow their mommy and daddy to live with them in that huge house that belongs to Zhao Yunlan, the CEO of ZYL Enterprise.

However, tonight is the special night for the married couple. So, the kids can't follow their mommy and daddy to that house. Yezhun brought the kids to go back home together with his bodyguards as well as Chu and Guo after the wedding ended. They left the cleaning process for the Chu's staffs and Shen Wei's staffs as the married couple had their wedding in the hall of Chu's company and attended by their family, friends and colleagues. That sudden wedding of Zhao Yunlan gave a shock to his staffs especially Wang and a few girls that having a crush on their boss.


Wang attended the wedding of her boss with a sad and frustration face. She was mad to know that her boss chose that girl which she never know or hear who is that girl before. She even cursed that girl to snatch her boss from her. But then, when Wang attended the wedding and she saw that girl who is successfully taken Zhao Yunlan from her, she quickly defeated.

''She is indeed too beautiful like an angel. More beautiful than me!'' Wang complimented about the girl who snatched her boss from her.

''Indeed, Miss Wang! You can't challenge her to get your boss, Miss Wang. Why not you find someone else? Like me?'' Sang interrupted Wang that drinking her wine at one corner while looking at the married couple who were greeted the guests that attended the wedding.

Wang looked at Sang with an awkward looking and then she left Sang without saying a word, making Sang dumbfounded at his stood.

''This girl is really stubborn to not look at me! I am handsome too, okay?'' Sang whined, but then Li Qian laughed to Sang at there.

''Is she the one that you fell in love, Sang?'' Li Qian asked.

Sang nodded.

''But she never see me as a special guy. I tried everything to tackle her since almost five years ago. But you see her now! She just looked at me like I am nothing!'' Sang frustrated.

''Maybe because you are just a van driver and didn't have a lot of money like her boss even though you are handsome too, Sang!'' Ying interrupted, but Ying knows who Sang is actually.

''Maybe!'' Sang frustrated.

At the other corner, someone was taking a wedding video for the other side to see. Lin Jing, the manager of ZYL Enterprise recorded the memorable video of his boss's wedding with his boss's beautiful angel. Lin sent the video to the other side after that and he joined the other staffs to celebrate the wedding at there. Someone on the other side showed that video to an old man on the wheelchair.

''See, dad! I told you he is not a gay. You see now he married to a beautiful girl that he waited for five years to meet back. Why you can't believe on your own son? He is not like his mom. His mom cheated on you, not him. His mom had a scandal with that woman, not him, dad! He is straight just like you and me,'' that hottest and sexiest girl tried to persuade that old man again and again but still that old man ignored her words.

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