Chapter 17

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Author's note:
Now, Zhao Yunlan's mom come to the suface. Warning! A slight matured content in the end of this chapter. Please beware.


After a month of Zhujiu was dead and the police closed the case as requested by Mr. President, they are living like a normal peoples without scare of Zhujiu. Unknowingly to them all that Mr. President's wife is the real killer of Zhujiu. Zhu caught up her for that killing and privately told to Mr. President.

That old man was shocked to hear the reason behind that killing of Zhujiu. He didn't expect that his wife knows Zhujiu for personal reason. And he didn't expect that this bastard was actually the rapist of his wife's son's wife. He didn't expect the girl that Zhujiu crazied about is the wife of his wife's son, Shen Wei.

''Yuna, why you did that? Didn't you promised me that you will not kill again?'' Mr. President asked when he knows about that after a private talk with Zhu, but Zhu still hid his wife from Zhao Yunlan's knowing.

''I can't hold it anymore, Youjin! You know he tried to ruin my son's family life. He wanted to get my son's beautiful angel. I can't hold it anymore. My son just got his happiness after what was his dad did to him from this beautiful angel. If possible, I want to kill that Zhao Xinchi too, Youjin for making my son suffered through his 20 years life before he met with that beautiful angel on that night. If Zhu didn't report to me about his life, I will not know it, Youjin!'' Li Yuna said her frustration feeling.

''I know, Yuna that you hate Xinchi so much. But you can't kill anyone again. Enough with your past. I saved you back then and now I have a status in this city. Please don't ruin our life and don't ruin my image too, Yuna. I want to see you happy with me, Yuna,'' Mr. President said.

Li Yuna laughs to hear that.

''But I am happy now to see that bastard will not disturb my son's family life anymore. And I am happy now to see that Zhao Xinchi is in that condition. Thanks to my Yunlan's jiejie for working for me in making her dad being like that. If Zhu didn't agree to work for me, that cruel dad of my son will not wake up from his brutally abusing on my child. Unfortunately, I met Zhu when Yunlan was in a coma state,'' Li Yuna said her words.

Mr. President sighs. He loves this woman for the whole of his heart. Since 26 years ago, he secretly met with this woman when this woman worked as a hire killer. This woman married to Zhao Xinchi to kill Zhao Xinchi under the order from her boss because of her boss's ex-girlfriend, Zhu Lian cheated on her boss to have an affair with Zhao Xinchi. But unknowingly to her Zhao Xinchi used the drug in her drink to get her and caused her pregnant of Zhao Yunlan at that time.

After Zhao Yunlan was born, she got a threaten from her boss to kill Zhao Xinchi or else her son will be the replacement. She was miserable at that time between to kill her husband or leave them alone. Finally, she decided to break their marriage and to make Zhao Xinchi hates her the most. She saw Mr. President who is at that time being a target from her colleagues.

Li Yuna knew Mr. President that wearing a wig, female clothes and high heels just to disguise himself from being killed by the hire killer of his president election enemies when he was outside. At that time, Mr. President was just elected to be a president and many enemies were trying to hurt him including Li Yuna's boss since her boss was also elected to be a president.

Since Li Yuna needed someone to make her husband hates her, she used Mr. President for her benefits while telling the truth about the hire killer to Mr. President. As both of them were using each other for their benefits, then slowly they fell in love to each other. Zhao Xinchi saw the video that was sent by his own wife, Li Yuna through unknown phone number about his wife's scandal and he divorced his wife.

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