Chapter 3

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''Chu ge! Who are they?'' a girl asked as she came to the outside of the house when Chu jumped off from the car in the garage.

''Xiao Guo! How I miss you, darling!'' Chu said and hugs Guo tightly.

''Aah!! Chu ge! You will break my bones by your tight hug!'' Guo whined, making Yezhun and Shen Wei both giggle to see their friend, Chu is hugging his girlfriend, Guo.

''Oh, I am sorry, darling! Umpp... I miss you and I love you!'' Chu said again as he released his hug and he kissed on Guo's cute lips.

Guo lightly pushes Chu from her and she walks closer to Shen Wei and Yezhun.

''Are they you friends... I mean, she is your junior in your old university, right?'' Guo finally can catch the face of Shen Wei that she once saw this face with long hair in the picture of Chu's university reunion.

Chu nods to his girlfriend.

''Please meet them, Xiao Guo! Shen Wei and Shen Yezhun. The twins. Wei, Yezhun, she is my girlfriend, Guo Changcheng,'' Chu introduced them three.

''Hi, Guo Changcheng!'' Shen Wei greeted as well as Yezhun.

''Hi, Shen Wei and Shen Yezhun! But please call me Chang, okay? Xiao Guo is special for my Chu ge,'' Guo said with her grinning to Chu, making Chu ruffles her short hair.

''And please call me Wei and my didi, Yezhun,'' Shen Wei replied.

Guo nods.

''Please come inside. I am sure there is something bad happened that my boyfriend brought you to here with those bags too,'' Guo said as she saw the bags on Chu's hands after Chu got those from the bonnet.

Shen Wei and Yezhun silent while Chu pushing them all to enter the house first to have a talk. Guo leaves them to prepare some drinks and snacks. Then, Guo didn't forget to ask the maid to prepare the dinner for them four before she backs to Chu, Shen Wei and Yezhun.

''So, Chu ge, what is it?'' Guo curiously asked.

Chu told everything to Guo about the twins for what was happened in their city. Also about Shen Wei made a mistake to let that stranger guy took her virginity. Yezhun that still mad to his sister for that mistake glares at her again for his mad, making Shen Wei shrinks at the side of him.

''Oh, Wei! Are you fertile when he took your virginity?'' Guo directly asked as she saw the worry face of Shen Wei when Chu told her about Shen Wei made a mistake to be drunk and let that happened.

Shen Wei shyly nods.

''That will be a problem to you, Wei! I am afraid you may pregnant for what you did last night for your night stand with him,'' Guo said.

''Jiejie, I told you to take care of yourself! Now what you did? You let him took your virginity and what? During your fertile, jiejie!'' Yezhun still scolded.

''I am sorry, didi. I didn't mean that. I told you I didn't know that the plain water that I thought in that bottle is actually an alcohol. My mind was miserable at that time for my nightmare and I drank it without thinking twice,'' Shen Wei tried to defend herself.

''Are you having a zero tolerance to alcohol, Wei?'' Guo asked.

Shen Wei nods.

''A drop alcohol like a disaster to her, Xiao Guo! I know about that during reunion when she sipped an alcohol from my glass and she almost removed her clothes in front of us. Luckily I noticed her did and I pulled her to Yezhun that waited in the car and Yezhun brought her back home,'' Chu told that old story.

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