Chapter 1

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Shen Wei finished with her shower and dressed up with her pajama clothes before she wanted to have her dinner. Tonight, Yezhun has a discussion with his friends for his assignment. So, Shen Wei didn't bother of her younger twin brother that coming home late tonight. But she bothers about her step-brother, Zhujiu that always looked at her with a scary look, like that guy wanted to eat her whole.

And tonight, she dares to have a dinner late as her step-brother told to her and Yezhun that he will come back home late. Since Shen Wei's mother and step-father were dead about a year ago, she and Yezhun still living in this house with their step-brother as they depended on their step-father's wealthy to support their lifes now.

But unknowingly to them that the living at there after their mother and step-father were dead brought Shen Wei to the hell house. Shen Wei always felt like she was naked in front of Zhujiu when she noticed that guy always stared at her body like striping her clothes off with his eyes. Because of that Shen Wei always avoided her step-brother at home if Yezhun is not at home.

However, tonight she can't help to prevent Yezhun from cancel the discussion since Yezhun needs to focus on his study too, instead of taking care of her. Besides, Zhujiu is already told that he will be back home late tonight. So, Shen Wei is dare to have her dinner late after the shower. But unexpectedly when Zhujiu suddenly barged into Shen Wei's bedroom with a stinky smell of alcohol.

Shen Wei that startled to see her step-brother is coming to her with a drunk tried to escape, but just got a hold from Zhujiu. Zhujiu pulled her and hardly pushed her to the bed before he keeps hovering on Shen Wei's body, tried to rape Shen Wei when he tears Shen Wei's pajama shirt.

''Stop! Gege! Stop your doing to me! No! Please, gege! I am your meimei, gege! Please stop! Don't do this to me!'' Shen Wei kept pleading underneath Zhujiu that strongly holding her both hands.

''You are so beautiful, Weiwei!'' Zhujiu said and roughly kissing on Shen Wei and his hand tried to reach on Shen Wei's part.

Shen Wei shakes her head to not get those roughly kisses and that touch from her step-brother. She tried to push Zhujiu from her but that guy is too strong to hold her and too heavy on her female body. She moves her hand to the side bed and tried to reach the night lamp on the small table near her bed. With her remaining might, she hits that lamp on Zhujiu's head, caused that guy lost his hold on Shen Wei. Shen Wei quickly pushed Zhujiu with all her might and she ran away.

''Shen Wei!!'' Zhujiu shouted while holding her head that was hit by that girl and he rushed to catch Shen Wei that running from him.

Shen Wei on the other hand keeps running to the road and suddenly the car comes from her front and almost hit her body, making her falls off on the road. The owner of that car quickly stepped on the brake, earning a loud screeching sound from the brake and almost dropped his heart to avoid that hit on that girl.

''Oh, my gosh! What the hell is that?!'' the owner of the car named Zhao Yunlan cursed for his shocked to face that sudden situation.

Zhao Yunlan hurriedly gets off from the car to see the real situation in front his car. With the help of his car lamp, he saw a beautiful girl is clenching on her chest while crying heavily on the road. Zhao Yunlan thought that girl is hit by his car and injured. He hurriedly gets that girl and asks her, but just got a hug with a crying on his shoulder.

''Save me, please! He wanted to rape me! Save me from him! Please!'' Shen Wei pleaded, making Zhao Yunlan frowns and he looks around to see a young man tried to cross the road but then backs away as that man saw him seeing to that man.

Zhao Yunlan can see that face clearly with the help of the road lamp near to that young man. He sures that man is tried to get this beautiful girl as he saw that man holds the head like that man is hurt on that head. Zhao Yunlan backs to Shen Wei and he rubs on Shen Wei's back.

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