Chapter 13

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Author's note:
Warning!! There is a matured content in this chapter which is the abusing scene. Please beware.


Zhao Yunlan was born from the marriage of Zhao Xinchi with Li Yuna. Li Yuna was an actress that fell in love to her own manager, Zhao Xinchi who is at that time worked as her manager even though Zhao Xinchi was already married to another actress named Zhu Lian. Because of the love to Li Yuna, Zhao Xinchi had a scandal with her and that scandal caused Zhu Lian requested a divorce from Zhao Xinchi when their daughter, Zhao Zhuhong was 4 years old.

Zhao Xinchi fell to Li Yuna too much till he can't think straight about his marriage life with Zhu Lian. He had an affair with Li Yuna and caused her pregnant of Zhao Yunlan. That news left a big impact in the industry when Zhu Lian's industry life was ruined after the divorce with Zhao Xinchi. Besides, she can't have her own daughter, Zhao Zhuhong to be raised who is at that time was 4 years old. Zhao Xinchi got her daughter.

After Zhao Yunlan was born, Li Yuna was changed. Zhao Xinchi got a news that Li Yuna had an affair with a woman. Someone sent a picture that Li Yuna was kissing with a woman caused Zhao Xinchi lost his trust over Li Yuna. At first, Zhao Xinchi didn't believe on that picture as he thought Li Yuna just acted for some movie or drama or commercial program. But every day, Zhao Xinchi got another pictures till his anger bursted and he argued with Li Yuna.

When Li Yuna denied those pictures and tried to explain, Zhao Xinchi got a video that increased his anger to Li Yuna. That video showed to Zhao Xinchi that Li Yuna confessed her love feeling to that woman while kissing that woman. Li Yuna speechless and she can't deny it anymore. Inside Zhao Xinchi's heart, he thought his wife loves that woman, unknowingly to him that woman is actually a guy who disguised as a woman for that guy's safety. And who is that guy? Till now, Zhao Xinchi didn't know who is that guy actually.

As Zhao Xinchi was mad, he divorced Li Yuna and brought away Zhu and Zhao Yunlan to the other city to build a new life without both his wives. They lived in that city which is Dragon City with the hope he can forget his sad life with his both ex-wives. But the existence of Zhao Yunlan in his life caused him can't control his anger over his second ex-wife, Li Yuna. He always thought that Zhao Yunlan is same as his wife, will fall to the same gender when Zhao Yunlan is grown up. Unknowingly to Zhao Xinchi that both Zhao Yunlan and Li Yuna just fall to the opposite genders which is they are actually straight.

Zhao Yunlan was always being hurt and abused by his dad since child. His dad always said the hurtful words to him. Always said the words hate him. Zhao Yunlan didn't know anything when his dad started to abused him while hating him so much. He just can remember his dad always said he is the same as his mom that only like the same gender. He didn't know that at first. He never get the love from his dad and he never can play with his sister since child as his dad will separate them apart.

''I hate you, boy! You are same as your mom! Gay, lesbie! I won't allow you to influence on my daughter with your behaviour! You go away from my daughter and play alone!'' Zhao Xinchi once shouted that hurtful words to Zhao Yunlan while hitting and kicking on Zhao Yunlan that just 10 years old at that time.

''Dad, don't hurt didi! He is not wrong! He didn't know anything!'' Zhu always tried to stop her dad from hurting her little brother that just 5 years gap from her.

At that time, Zhu is already 15 years old and she can think what's right and what's wrong. But she can't object on her dad's words. She will silently meet with Zhao Yunlan after the abuse and treated her little brother's wounds from his dad's did. Zhao Yunlan will cry and cry for his sad life to live with his dad and sister in that sad life. Zhao Yunlan didn't understand for why did his dad hates him so much till Zhu told everything to him about his mom's scandal with a woman. But Zhao Yunlan can't believe that because he is straight.

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