Chapter 7

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Shen Wei looks around of Zhao Yunlan's house. Zhao Yunlan has a huge house with two levels and a lot of rooms. But only a few rooms are used. The kitchen, living room and dining room is bigger than Chu's house. Shen Wei keeps sighting the area in that house while Zhao Yunlan following her and the kids are left playing in the living room. But suddenly Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan startled to hear Weilan called her mommy, making Shen Wei rushes to Weilan.

''Mommy, look! Your amigurumi!'' Weilan said while pointing her small finger into one of the room at downstairs.

Upon listening to the words your amigurumi, Shen Wei hurriedly walks to there and surprised to see all of her amigurumi on the bed in that bedroom. Not only Shen Wei is surprised but also Zhao Yunlan that heard the words of your amigurumi. Zhao Yunlan didn't expect that those amigurumi are from Shen Wei.

''Yunlan, did you buy all of these?'' Shen Wei asked.

''Xiao Wei, you made all of these?'' Zhao Yunlan also asked at the same time with Shen Wei caused the kids look weirdly to both of them.

''Daddy! Mommy made all of those. And this green dragon! You have it too. Same as mine and gege's,'' Weilan told, made Zhao Yunlan frowns to Shen Wei for his unbelievable.

''Xiao Wei, tell me what's your job?'' Zhao Yunlan asked.

''Err... I opened the crochet shop,'' Shen Wei said.

''SWCC shop?'' Zhao Yunlan asked to confirm.

Shen Wei nods while blinking her eyes innocently.

''What's SWCC stand for?'' Zhao Yunlan asked again.

''Shen Wei's Crochet Crafts,'' Shen Wei told.

''Oh, my!'' Zhao Yunlan speechless and he brushes his hair to the back as he turning his body back and forth.

''What is it, Yunlan? How did you get these all? I remembered I gave those to the boss of ZYL Enterp... Wait! ZYL... Zhao Yunlan Enterprise? You are that company's boss?'' Shen Wei surprisingly asked as she caught up to the situation now.

Zhao Yunlan nods quickly.

''I can't believe that for these years, I am dealing with you for my crafts order. That mystery boss of SWCC is actually you, Xiao Wei! Oh, my gosh! Seriously, Xiao Wei! We are too closed since the beginning but we never know it!'' Zhao Yunlan said his frustration to know that.

Shen Wei speechless and she didn't know what to say. Only her tears keep flowing down to her cheeks to think of that situation for these five years of her dealing with Zhao Yunlan. They are too closed to each other but why the fate is too cruel for them and they never know that. Zhao Yunlan saw Shen Wei is crying at her stood. He quickly pulls Shen Wei to his hold and lets that beautiful girl to cry on his shoulder.

''I can't believe we are too closed, Yunlan!'' Shen Wei said in her crying, making the kids also hug her legs while crying as well.

Hun that playing alone in the living room didn't know anything. He just playing without thinking of his surrounding area. Weilan and Weiyun keep crying to see their mommy is crying while their daddy is soothing on their mommy. But then, Shen Wei wipes her tears and she gets her kids that hugging her legs.

''Stop your crying, kids. I am fine now, okay?'' Shen Wei said and the kids slowly stop their crying.

Zhao Yunlan pulls them to the living room and the adults have a long talk at there while the kids are continuing playing with Hun. They talked about their lifes, works, families and so on except one that Zhao Yunlan didn't tell to Shen Wei yet. His past life that only his sister knows about that. Zhao Yunlan is still not ready to tell about that to Shen Wei.

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