Chapter 2

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Shen Wei is startled to see that familiar guy in front of her. That guy is wearing the whole black shirt and sport pant with a black sport shoes, and his face and body are sweating heavily. Shen Wei knows what is this familiar guy doing at here with that appearance. He must be jogged at this neighborhood area.

''Chu ge!'' Shen Wei finally can say that name, a friend of her that already graduated the university and working in his own company.

''Shen Wei, what's happened to you? What are you doing in my neighborhood? Why are you running with this male pajama?'' Chu asked and asked for his curiosity.

Shen Wei can't help to cry again and Chu quickly pulls her to his hold while soothing her to calm down. Shen Wei told everything to Chu from Zhujiu tried to rape her till she mistakenly drank that alcohol and let that guy named Zhao Yunlan took her virginity under alcohol influenced. She told Chu that she made that mistake and persuaded Zhao Yunlan for that intimate scene.

''Please, Chu ge! Take me away from this place! I don't want to face them, Chu ge. Please,'' Shen Wei pleaded.

''Alright, alright! Now let's go to my house and I will call your didi to tell him about this, okay?'' Chu persuaded.

Shen Wei nods and she follows Chu to that guy's house. Chu was her senior in the university that three years older than her. Since they know each other, they are being friend till now. Chu always cares about Shen Wei like a little sister as well as to Yezhun like a little brother because Chu lost his twin brother in a burning house during his child. As he missed his little brother, he always happy to see Shen Wei and Yezhun that have an identical faces just like him and his little brother, Chu Nianzhi.

As they arrived at Chu's house, Chu quickly calls to Yezhun and tells Yezhun what was happened to Shen Wei. Yezhun that just knows about that clenches his fist and he punches on the mirror in his bedroom. He can't help to feel anger to his step-brother for trying to rape his sister. Yezhun cuts the phone after Chu told him that Shen Wei is with Chu now and he rushes to get Zhujiu in the dining room that having a breakfast alone while the maid at garden to watering the plants.

''Gege! What did you do to my jiejie on the last night?!'' Yezhun asked with his mad face.

''Did? Did what? I did nothing! She wasn't here when I came back home,'' Zhujiu lied.

''Lier!'' Yezhun shouted and he land a punch on the face of Zhujiu.

''I didn't!'' Zhujiu shouted back with a deny and lie.

Yezhun is more mad to hear that. He grabs Zhujiu's collar shirt, making that black suit of Zhujiu is crumpled by Yezhun's grab.

''I heard everything about what you did you did to my jiejie, Zhujiu! I thought after my mom and your dad were dead, you can take care of us like your own meimei and didi. But you become an evil just after a year of mom and dad were dead and last night you tried to rape my jiejie, Zhujiu!'' Yezhun said with his sarcastically voice.

''I... I... didn't...''

''Shut up! I will report you to the police!'' Yezhun shouted in mad while pushing Zhujiu from him.

Yezhun almost to call the police when Zhujiu reached the chopstick on the dine table and almost killed Yezhun, but Yezhun quickly evades that sudden attack and he pushed Zhujiu to the dine table. Unfortunately, Zhujiu holds a chopstick on his hand and he falls on that chopstick, caused his stomach was stabbed by that chopstick.

''Oh, no! Gege...'' Yezhun called but then his afraid took place to see that situation of Zhujiu's bleeding stomach caused him panicked and he runs away from the kitchen door, left behind Zhujiu that bleeding heavily with the chopstick is still on that stomach.

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