Chapter 11

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''Mommy!'' Weiyun and Weilan kept calling their mommy that was pushed into the car of that stranger guy.

Shen Wei holds her flat belly that suddenly feels hurt as she was fell for the hard slap from Zhujiu a moment ago and that forcefully push by Zhujiu causing her in a pressure, affected her month pregnancy. Zhujiu keeps pushing Shen Wei that struggling to be escaped into his car. As Zhujiu feels distracted by the kids, he hardly pushes the kids again till fall down on the road, making Shen Wei screams for a shock again but she can't help her kids now for this bastard is holding her tight.

''Hey, you!! Release her now!!'' one of the big guys shouted to Zhujiu as they arrived at that scene.

Zhujiu turns his body to face those two big guys and he is shocked to see them. Immediately he pushes Shen Wei to the side, but one of the big guys quickly caught on Shen Wei's body before Shen Wei can fall off while Zhujiu hurriedly running away from them with his car. Shen Wei that feels hurt on her pregnancy belly clutches her hand on that big guy while the other one big guy gets the kids on the road.

''Mrs. Zhao, are you okay?'' that big guy asked.

Shen Wei nods but her face is started to sweat heavily for her hurt on her pregnancy belly. That caused that big guy noticed that situation and he wanted to carry Shen Wei to the hospital but Shen Wei holds back his hand, preventing that big guy to carry her as she thought this guy wanted to kidnap her and the kids like Zhujiu did previously.

''Please don't worry, Mrs. Zhao! I am Jimmy and that is James, my twin brother. We are Mr. Chu's bodyguards that guarding you and your kids from that bastard, Zhujiu since five years ago,'' that big guy named Jimmy told the truth as he didn't want to make this woman afraid of him and his twin brother now.

Upon listening to those words, Shen Wei finally defeated and she lets Jimmy carries her to the car while James carries both Weiyun and Weilan to the car too. Jimmy directly drives to the hospital and from there, the three of them, Shen Wei and the kids are warded in the same ward as requested by Jimmy. Jimmy also called to Chu to tell the situation and Chu called to Zhao Yunlan after that. Immediately Zhao Yunlan left the meeting and he rushed to the hospital to meet his wife and kids in the same ward.

''We are sorry, Mr. Zhao to be late in arriving at your house. And also we lost him. But luckily, nothing happen to your wife, her pregnancy and the kids. Just Weilan got a small scratch on her forehead and your wife bleeded a little for her pressure on her pregnancy. But the doctor said her pregnancy is fine now. And she needs to stay at hospital for a few days,'' Jimmy explained the condition of Shen Wei and the kids when Zhao Yunlan arrived at that ward.

Zhao Yunlan sighs in relief.

''Thank you, J brothers for saving my wife and kids!'' Zhao Yunlan said and the J brothers just smile.

Zhao Yunlan enters the ward to see his wife and the kids are sleeping peacefully in that ward on the different beds but side by side. He gets the kids first and kisses on the cheeks of the kids. He caresses on the forehead of Weilan that attached by the small bandage for the wound.

''I am sorry, Weilan to leave you at home with mommy and gege. I am sorry to let you hurt by that bad guy,'' Zhao Yunlan said to his sleeping daughter and he kisses on Weilan's forehead on the bandage wound.

Zhao Yunlan walks to Shen Wei at Weilan's side bed. He holds Shen Wei's hand while giving a loving kiss on Shen Wei's sweet pinky rosy lips that now is pale for the hurt Shen Wei got from that bastard. Zhao Yunlan can't help to cry a little to see his wife's paler face. He feels hurt to see his wife is being hurt by that bastard when he left her and the kids at home without waiting for the bodyguards to come to guard on his wife and the kids. Zhao Yunlan gently rubs on Shen Wei's flat pregnancy belly while crying.

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