Chapter 6

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''Mommy, is that true that handsome uncle is our daddy?'' Weiyun asked from the backseat.

Shen Wei nods. She didn't hide the truth for this time since she met again with that stranger guy. Oh! She is so happy to see that guy again.

''Then, mommy, can we call him daddy after this?'' Weilan also asked with her excitement.

''Well, kids... I don't know his acceptance on you two. But you can try soon,'' Shen Wei replied.

''Hoorayy!! I hope daddy can love us like you love us, mommy,'' Weilan joyfully said.

''Mommy, who is Da Hun to daddy? Is he daddy's son?'' Weiyun asked.

''No, Weiyun! Daddy said Da Hun is his bestfriend's son. He just helped his bestfriend to fetch Da Hun,'' Shen Wei corrected.

''Daddy is nice to help his bestfriend to fetch Da Hun,'' Weilan said.

Shen Wei nods.

''Back then, daddy also helped mommy when mommy needed a help,'' Shen Wei told.

The kids nod with their smile. Then, Shen Wei parks her car at the side of Zhao Yunlan's car. Zhao Yunlan brought them to the fast food restaurant. That's made the kids happy to have the fried chickens that their mommy always scolded them to eat fast food. And today, they can have that fast food with their daddy. Shen Wei just can sigh to see her kids are happy for that.

''Daddy! Thank you to bring us to have the fried chickens! Mommy always prevented us from having those fast food,'' Weilan excitedly said, made Zhao Yunlan speechless not because of the fast food, but because of the fluent word that Weilan called him as daddy.

Zhao Yunlan looks at Shen Wei that smiling to him at the table in that fast food restaurant.

''Oh, kids! Today you will have those fast food without a scold from your mommy, okay? Now, let me order those fried chickens for you, okay?'' Zhao Yunlan said and the kids joyfully nod.

Shen Wei just smiles to Zhao Yunlan when Zhao Yunlan permitted to order them the foods and drinks. She just silently waiting at that table and the kids are playing with Hun. A moment later, Zhao Yunlan comes back with the order which the fried chickens for those three kids and the burgers for them two, the adult. Zhao Yunlan backs to Shen Wei as he saw the kids are happily eating the fried chickens without looking to the surrounding them.

''Are you serious, Shen Wei? They are really my kids? By that night stand?'' Zhao Yunlan asked with a little whispering to Shen Wei.

Shen Wei nods.

''I got pregnant of them because of your seeds on that night. I am sorry that I ran away from you and hid from you. I didn't know what to do actually when I woke up in that condition. I am afraid if you mad at me or rejected me soon. And afraid if you thought I took advantage on your kindness with that night stand. So, I ran away and I met with my friend. After that, I got a news that my twin brother got a problem with my step-brother. So, after my friend got my twin brother, we ran away from that city and live here for five years now,'' Shen Wei honestly told the summary of her life after she ran away from Zhao Yunlan on that morning.

Zhao Yunlan sighs in relief that Shen Wei was running away not because Shen Wei didn't like him.

''Actually, Shen Wei... On that night of our night stand, actually I can know that you have zero tolerance with alcohol. I was really happy to see you on that night in that condition. You know, actually I fell in love with you for the first sight when I saved you from the hit. I planned to propose to you to be my wife after we woke up, but you were gone. I tried to find you till now actually. But finally we met at that nursery,'' Zhao Yunlan also honestly told.

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