Chapter 14

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Shen Wei is banned from going to work in SWCC shop after she was discharged from the hospital about three months ago. Zhao Yunlan didn't allow her to walk outside if not with Zhao Yunlan or her family members. Zhao Yunlan didn't want something happens to her again when she is outside. So, the J brothers are guarding the house 24 hours together with a few bodyguards that Chu hired till they get Zhujiu.

Since that day, Shen Wei just crocheting at home and Guo or her workers will come to get the crafts from her at home. Since that day also, the kids are not allowed to be sent to the nursery till teacher Yaqing felt weird for the sudden absent of those kids. But after Da Qing explained on behalf of Zhao Yunlan to teacher Yaqing when Da Qing sent his son to the nursery, then teacher Yaqing can understand that.

The kids are always accompanying their mommy at home for wherever their mommy staying. Usually their mommy will do the crocheting in the bedroom, living room, crochet room and closed garden. In that house, there is open and closed garden. Open garden is for the outdoor plants which Shen Wei will watering those plants in the evening when Zhao Yunlan is at home. The closed garden is for the indoor plants and also has the fish pond and gazebo.

Shen Wei is oftenly staying in closed garden instead of open garden since the kids like to play with the golden fishes and terrapins in that pond. And now, they stay in the closed garden while J brothers are guarding at the outside of closed garden. Shen Wei does her crocheting on the handbag while the kids are playing with the terrapins at the pond. But suddenly, Weiyun comes to his mommy.

''Mommy, are we have another aunty and also yeye?'' Weiyun asked, making Shen Wei stops her crocheting and she puts down the crochet to her side. 

''How did you know?'' Shen Wei asked back.

''Daddy told last night when we heard he talked to someone and called that one as jiejie and then said dad. But mommy, daddy never tell us about them. Did you know about them?'' Weilan told as she heard her brother asked to her mommy and she climbs to the gazebo to join her brother and mommy to talk about their daddy's dad and jiejie.

Shen Wei sighs.

''If mommy tell you about daddy's past life, will you promise me that you will not ask daddy anything about them?'' Shen Wei requested.

Both of them nod agreed. Shen Wei smiles and she tells everything about their daddy's past life. But not about the reason of the relationship. She just told the misunderstanding situation between their daddy and their yeye. Shen Wei told them but at the same time she hid what she should hide from the kids.

''Oh, poor daddy to live in a sad life without the love from yeye. Luckily daddy's jiejie is kind and care to daddy,'' Weiyun whined.

Shen Wei nods agreed.

''Can we meet yeye and aunty Zhu, mommy? What if yeye's heart can melt to see the cute of me and gege?'' Weilan asked.

Shen Wei chuckles to hear those words from Weilan.

''Weilan, you and your gege are indeed cute and smart also. But Weilan, we can't meet them if they didn't want to meet us. Give daddy time to solve his problem with yeye using his own way, okay? We at here don't interfere daddy and just support daddy from behind. Daddy needs us to support him,'' Shen Wei said while trying to understand them for that situation.

''How to support daddy, mommy?'' Weiyun asked.

''Well, we love daddy more and more. Don't ask daddy what daddy didn't want to hear like about yeye and aunty Zhu. We just wait for daddy to tell us about them by himself. Don't push daddy to tell us, alright?'' Shen Wei replied.

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