Chapter 4

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Two months passed and a new driver of SWCC shop's van sent the crafts order to ZYL Enterprise. That driver named Sang Zhan greets the secretary of ZYL Enterprise named Wang Zheng in her office room after the security guard permitted him to deal with the secretary of Zhao Yunlan. Sang almost fell off from his stood to see a beautiful girl with white skin face and long hair till waist is waiting for him to sign the invoice.

'Oh, my gosh! She is indeed beautiful! I fall in love to her for the first sight!' Sang inwardly said to see this beautiful girl that smiling to him at the working desk.

''Are you from SWCC shop?'' Wang asked as she saw that guy is standing in front of her working desk with a file and a box on his hand.

Sang nods as he backed to his sense to hear that girl asked him.

''Y... Yes, miss! I am Sang Zhan, the van driver of SWCC shop. I already sent the order to your staffs downstairs and this is the invoice you need to sign,'' Sang said without averting his gaze on this beautiful girl's face.

''Oh, I see! Let me sign on behalf of my boss,'' Wang replied and she quickly signs the invoice on behalf of Zhao Yunlan, indicating that the company is already received the order in a good condition.

''Thank you, miss for your trust to order with our shop. And this is a small free gift from our boss to your boss,'' Sang said while giving a box to Wang.

Wang arches her eyebrows to get a free gift from SWCC shop for her boss to order with that shop.

''How nice your boss is, Mr. Sang! Well, thank you for this free gift. I will give it to my boss soon. Thank you,'' Wang replied and Sang walks away to continue his works, but inside his heart, he is too happy to meet with a dream girl of his life.

Wang sighs to see that guy left her office room. She hurriedly gets out from her office and she enters to Zhao Yunlan's office room to give that free gift from that shop. Zhao Yunlan that in the middle to check the inventory of the crafts file looks at Wang that putting a box on his working desk, made him frowns to see it.

''What's that?'' Zhao Yunlan asked.

''A free gift from SWCC shop for your order from them. Their boss giving it to you,'' Wang told while brushing her long hair to the back, revealing her white neck to seduce on Zhao Yunlan with her beauty.

But unknowingly to her that Zhao Yunlan never fall to her beauty and never see her as a special girl since Zhao Yunlan's heart is already stole by someone else. Zhao Yunlan ignored Wang's reaction with her long hair. He reaches that box and hurriedly open it to see a cute green dragon amigurumi in that box. Zhao Yunlan didn't know why but he suddenly smiles happily to see that cute green dragon amigurumi.

''How cute! I never get any free gift from any companies or shops I ever dealt with except this shop

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''How cute! I never get any free gift from any companies or shops I ever dealt with except this shop. This shop is good in making the customers happy. Well, Wang Zheng! Soon, I want you to continue to order with them after their crafts are all sold, okay?'' Zhao Yunlan said in his happily smile.

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