Chapter 16

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A few days later, Zhao Yunlan got a text from his sister about Zhujiu that was found dead in the cage in the basement of Mr. President's house. They found a poison from Zhujiu's mouth and also methamphetamine drug that combined with the alcohol, caused Zhujiu was dead by the heart attack while still tied up in the cage. And they still investigating the cause of his death as they suspected he was killed by someone.

Ming Lan cries to see her husband was dead before divorces her and coincidentally she is pregnant of her husband's child at that time, caused her fainted immediately. Mr. President was also shocked to see Zhujiu was dead by unknown killer in his own house. That caused all the bodyguards are investigated except Zhu that always with Mr. President since the beginning.

Zhao Yunlan that knows about that incident from his sister's text and also from unknown text that he got before his sister's text is spacing out in his office room when Shen Wei comes to meet him at there. Shen Wei weirdly looks at her husband that didn't notice on her existence in front of him. She walks closer to her husband and embraces him from behind, making her husband startled for the sudden embrace.

''Xiao Wei!! You startled me!'' Zhao Yunlan scolded as he is too startled for that embracing.

''What are you thinking, hubby to startle like that? I kept calling you since a few minutes ago but you just spaced out,'' Shen Wei whined and she sits on Zhao Yunlan's laps.

Zhao Yunlan sighs while holding his wife on his laps and he lands a kiss on his wife's lips before he gently rubs on his wife's pregnancy belly.

''Nothing, wifey. I am just thinking of Zhujiu's death. Do you know about that?'' Zhao Yunlan replied.

Shen Wei nods.

''Chang already told to me a moment ago. That's why I come here to meet you. But you seem worried on something about his death. Why, hubby? Is something bothering you about his death? Isn't it good to know that he is already dead now?'' Shen Wei asked.

Zhao Yunlan sighs while nodding his head.

''It's good to know that since he will not disturb you and Yezhun anymore, wifey. But, you know... I am wondering of something about his death. I once told you that my mom came to me during I was coma before jiejie asked me to run away, right?'' Zhao Yunlan said and then he asked back to his wife.

Shen Wei nods admitted that.

''What is it about your mom? Why are you suddenly brought her name in our conversation about Zhujiu?'' Shen Wei asked.

''Wifey, I got a text from unknown before jiejie texted me about Zhujiu was found dead. That unknown text told me that Zhujiu was dead, so please be assured. I don't know who is the one who texted me that. But I also don't know for why I suspected on my mom. I don't know, wifey. I am confused now,'' Zhao Yunlan told his worry.

Shen Wei silents. She reaches Zhao Yunlan's phone from the working desk and she reads back the text from unknown while Zhao Yunlan staring at her beautiful face that now those cheeks are a bit chubby for Shen Wei is quite eater now.

''Hurm... like the owner of this number knows about that death of Zhujiu. Aren't you asking to Lin to hack this number?'' Shen Wei asked after the read of that text.

Zhao Yunlan shakes his head.

''I am afraid if the owner is really my mom, I will bring her to the prison for killing Zhujiu in a brutal way. You know with the combination of poison and methamphetamine drug in an alcohol can caused the sudden heart attack but also the way to use that method is too brutal since the victim can't digest anything. And with him still tied up on the chair, nothing he can do. It's brutal, wifey,'' Zhao Yunlan told.

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