Chapter 10

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As a month passed after their wedding, Shen Wei keeps calculating her period time that still not coming. She thinks she is pregnant but she didn't tell to Zhao Yunlan or even check it with a pregnancy kits from pharmacy. She also didn't have any sign of pregnancy morning sickness but her period is too late now.

Shen Wei walks to her shop that now was moved to the side of Zhao Yunlan's company building. After the move about a month ago with that shop is a wedding gift from Zhao Yunlan, Shen Wei hired more staffs with the salary payment under ZYL Enterprise as Zhao Yunlan wants more crafts from SWCC shop. Now the craft brand is changed from ZYL to the combination of ZYL&SW.

Besides, Zhao Yunlan is not only selling the amigurumi from SWCC now, but also the other crocheting crafts like handbags, clothes, hats, shoes and blankets. All the crocheting crafts are branded by ZYL&SW. As usual, Shen Wei leads the crocheting for her husband while Zhao Yunlan leads the selling for his wife. The staffs are happy to work with these two shop and company. Their bosses are both kind.

With SWCC shop was moved to ZYL Enterprise company, then Chu also sent the bodyguards to that area to guard on Shen Wei and the kids. Luckily the nursery of the kids is not far from Zhao Yunlan's company. So, the bodyguards can guard on the kids at the same time. Shen Wei also didn't need to drive far to send and fetch her kids like previously.

''Mommy!'' Weilan called as she entered into the SWCC to see her mommy is busy in teaching the new staffs to crochet the new items.

Weiyun just gets his green dragon amigurumi and lays on the small bed in his mommy's office room.

''Weilan, you are back! Where is Weiyun?'' Shen Wei curiously asked as she didn't see Weiyun with Weilan for this time.

''Gege went to your office. Sleep maybe. He kept sneezing and cough at nursery,'' Weilan reported.

''Oh, really? Is he sick?'' Shen Wei worryingly asked but then, she pulls Weilan to her office room to see Weiyun is sleeping on the small bed that Shen Wei prepared for them in her office.

Shen Wei quickly gets Weiyun and touches on her son's forehead and body, and she found out that her son is sick. Burning for fever. Shen Wei also touches on Weilan just in case her daughter also affected but Weilan is fine. Usually, Weiyun is affected by Weilan, not Weilan to Weiyun.

''Daddy...'' Weiyun suddenly cried for his daddy in his sleep.

''Weiyun,'' Shen Wei called.

''Daddy...'' Weiyun still mumbled for his daddy.

''Gege wants daddy, mommy!'' Weilan said and Shen Wei nods agreed.

''Let mommy call daddy, okay?'' Shen Wei said to Weilan.

Weilan just nods. Shen Wei walks to her working desk and she reaches her phone to call Zhao Yunlan. Zhao Yunlan on the other hand is having a meeting with his staffs when Shen Wei called him. But still he answers the phone special for his wife.

''Wifey, what is it? I am having a meeting now...''

''Hubby, Weiyun is sick. Has a fever. He keeps mumbling in his sleep and calling you,'' Shen Wei cut Zhao Yunlan's words.

''What?! He is fine this morning when I sent him to the nursery,'' Zhao Yunlan told.

''Yes, hubby. But he just sleep now and mumbling your name,'' Shen Wei told in her worry.

''It's alright, wifey! Please don't worry. I will postpone the meeting and go there to bring him to clinic. Are you free now? Are you will follow me too?'' Zhao Yunlan asked as he decided.

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