The seven kingdoms in the magical world...
Sakurai Kingdom
The most powerful kingdom. The one who rule the magical world.
King: Arthur Artemis
Queen: Mailee Artemis
Daughters: Ailee
Aimi ( long loast princess)Fiery Kingdom
The second most powerful kingdom. All live here those who can withstand the heat because in these kingdom wherever you go it's hot. But still a beautiful kingdom.
King: Fergus Fiery
Queen: Venuse Fiery
Son: Ivan FieryIcerus Kingdom
This kingdom is surrounded by ice, the lake is covered in ice. But still the plants is still alive here for some reason.
King: Fate Ice
Queen: Alice Ice
Daughter & Son: Chris Ice
Lyssia IceWaterus Kingdom
The kingdom is on the water. They can breathe under water . It's surrounded by water. Most of the color you see here is all blue like the water.
King: Andrew Terius
Queen: Rei lyn Terius
Son: Andrei TeriusEarthel Kingdom
This kingdom is who can use earth power. The kingdom is build with earth. They can grow the trees faster and many more related in earth.
King: Erec Rhetul
Queen: Rosie Rhetul
Son: Drew RhetulAiral Kingdom
This kingdom is in the air. It is floating in the air. In this kingdom it's like your in heaven.
King: Oswald Aerus
Queen: Peoria Aerus
Daughter: Jessica AerusDarkrus Kingdom
This is the enemy. All you can see here is darkness, destruction. And all bad things. The darkrus is the first who starts the war in this world.
King: Sean Dright
Queen: Rhelle Dright
Son: Nick Dright**********
Now let's the story begin.
Sakurai Kingdom (The long lost princess)
FantasyThere are two worlds the MORTAL world and the Magical world. In the mortal world there live the ordinary or normal people, while in the Magical world there live the magical person that who have powers. So let's find out what is this story and let's...