1:The First Encounters

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TW:Mentions of homophobia/racism

The bois(in this chapter) powers:

Virgil:Creation and manipulation of silk

Patton:Can control plants/animals

Logan:Telepathy/mind control

Roman:Can create bursts of sound

Hidden bellow the surface of normal society is a deep rooted fear. Fear of things that are different than the norm. And humans, being simple minded creatures with one goal, survival, destroy anything it fears. This is shown all throughout human history. From people who despise those who love a gender same as their own, to those who seek to destroy and conquer those born with a different tone of skin. 

But when that different thing starts to gain power, then the fear grows. And so dose the anger. Morals start to disappear and fad away, any sense of who they were before is lost, because of that fear. So what happens, when the difference, that feared and hated thing, is power itself?

at most 5% of the population is born with a special ability. Some go through life without knowing they ever have one. Some discover and chose to hide it away, never using it at all. Some discover and do use it, whether that use is good, or evil. Though few fall into the latter.

The four that we shall focus on though, do. Virgil Storm, Logan Sanders, Patton Pie and Roman James. These four live very different, but similar lives.

The first to meet, or interact were Logan and Virgil, on September 11th. Virgil works at a music store, the last one in town and Logan went there to look at their record collection, him being a collector of old things. Piper, Virgil's co-worker and current manager was in the back, putting boxes away so it was up to the anxious emo to deal with this costumer.

"Greetings, do you sell records?" Logan asked, approaching the desk. He seemed surprised by Virgil's very alt appearance. Bright purple hair, the classic eyeshadow and black nails, but what else could he have been expecting from a music store that mostly sold emo shit.

Virgil nodded. "They're over there," He pointed in the direction of the clearance rack and bin. "Just past the clearance section."

"Thank you." Logan responded, walking away before Virgil could do the typical 'let me know if you need anything else' thing.

Whatever, it was so annoying to say, and Virgil wasn't in a people mood. Virgil was never in a people mood. He leaned onto the counter, scrolling through his Tumblr feed half-absently. The store was empty other than Logan, since it was Monday afternoon, and all the usual were at school or work.

After a few minutes Logan returned to the counter, holding a Beatles record. Piper had come out of the back to help Virgil out, and grinned at the sight.

"Ooooh, a fellow man of culture I see!" She said, shifting from foot to foot with excitement. Piper was a HUGE Beatles fan. Like a massive one.

Logan shrugged and placed the record on the counter. "I supposed. i find the classics much more appealing than current music."

Virgil scanned the record as Piper and Logan chatted. Piper would make a reference to a meme or something, and Logan would just appear confused beyond belief and nod slowly as if making a not to himself.

Once he sensed a break in the conversation Virgil spoke up, "That'll be 25$... sir." He found himself sneering the last word, alarm bells going off in his head. Something about Logan just seemed... off?

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