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TW:anGsT, police being sucky and ppl being mad about it, Roman is clueless about police being shitty, Roman and Virgil argue, Virgil and Remus kinda do,

The sun started to creep into the sky, casting light into Roman's room. Logan and Roman were curled up on the bed. They weren't exactly cuddling but they were squished together. Slowly Logan awoke, sitting up. He tried to move slowly as not to wake Roman. It was not successful.

Roman's eyes opened, smiling sleepy at Logan. "Morning Lo." He hummed, propping himself up on his elbows.

Logan smiled down at him a bit. "Greetings Roman. You should try to get more sleep, it's still early."

"The others should be coming over soon," Roman said with a shrug. "Plus I doubt I'll be able to get much more sleep."

Logan nodded, getting to his feet. "Alright, do whatever you wish."

Roman sat up, crossing his legs. Logan kissed his forehead before rushing out of the room. Roman stared at the door, cheeks turning red. A big dopey grin spread across his face. God he was a dork.

Minutes later Roman started down the steps, having changed out of his pajamas. He entered the kitchen, surprised to find Remus already there.

"Hey bro." Remus said, leaning his head back so he could see Roman. He was sitting on a chair facing away from the door.

Roman rolled his eyes. "You're early." He responded, leaning in the doorway.

"Eh, early birds get the fingers." Remus said with a grin, shrugging.

"Fingers?" Logan questioned, filling his cup with coffee. "Isn't it worm?"

"Originally yes, but I improved it," Remus responded, looking over at Logan. "Plus, fingers really do look like worms." He wiggled his pointer finger.

Roman scoffed, walking over to the table. "Someone's back to their usual self." He grumbled, sitting down in a chair across from Remus.

Remus smirked at him. "Of course~." He leaned onto the table. "No existential dread hovering over my head. You should've expected this."

Logan leaned against the counter, watching as the two brothers bickered. He was watching Remus a bit more closely than Roman. There was something off about him, but not in the kind of way that was worrying.

The sound of the window opening alerted the three that Patton and Virgil has showed up. The two walked into the kitchen. While Patton was grinning Virgil was looking off to the side, practically hiding behind his enbyfriend(a non binary term for girl/boyfriend).

"Salutations you two," Logan nodded at them. "Was there something that held you up?"

Patton rubbed the back of their head. "Things are just chaotic in our apartment at the moment."

Remus leaned his head back again. "How chaotic?" He asked with a bit too much interest.

"Someone very important go murdered and the police aren't doing shit chaotic." Virgil grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Why wouldn't the police do anything?" Roman asked, eyes narrowing.

Virgil rolled his eyes. "That's juts the way they are."

Roman frowned. "I've never seen that happening."

"Yeah well you live in a clearly different world then we do. The police like people like you, they don't people like us." Virgil snapped, glaring at the wall.

Roman flinched back a bit. "I was just asking about it!" He snapped back, crossing his arm son the table.

"Guys, calm down." Patton cut in, resting a hand on Virgil's shoulder.

Logan nodded. "We have things to attend to. While the situation at your apartment is tragic it must no distract from the threat. There is someone who can control minds out there. We have to focus on this threat."

"Whatever." Roman grumbled, shrugging.

As that argument came to a temporary stop tension started to leave air. They started to discuss what to do, but it felt like they were going in circles. Find whoever can control minds. How? Some random idea that wouldn't work. Hit repeat. They weren't getting anywhere, and it just felt so useless. After way too much of this loop Virgil got way too overwhelmed.

"Pat, I'm going to get some air." Virgil mumbled, slipping out of the room. He slid out of the window, standing on the fire escape. The streets bellow were getting busy, but no one bothered to look down the alley way.

Virgil sighed, taking a few deep breathes to clear the cloud of anxiety that covered his head. He hated this, a lot. Between Ginger's death, Remus being back, and this mind controller, it was just all a lot. Not to mention his relationship with Patton had been added in as well, and though it was good there was too much change too quickly. Just a few weeks ago their biggest worry was Utrimque Tenebris. And even then it had felt very far away. Now there was so much to worry about and Virgil did not like it.

The emo was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't hear Remus join him on the fire escape. So he was quite startled by Remus's sudden greeting.

"Heya emo boy!" Remus said with a grin, draping an arm over Virgil's shoulder.

Virgil jumped away, shrinking back into himself. "What do you want Remus?"

Remus raised an eyebrow. "Just checking on a friend. Don't want anything to happen to you~"

"We're not friends." Virgil said sharply, looking over the edge of the fire escape.

A frown crossed Remus's face. "Huh, seem to remember we were?" He grinned at Virgil, trying once more to get the emo to smile. Or at least show some sign of joy.

"Well you remembered wrong. We stopped being friends years ago." Virgil mumbled, shoving his hands into his pocket.

Remus frowned at Virgil, this time for real. "V... You know I wasn't in control back then."

Virgil looked ta him. "Dosen't change what happened," He said flatly. "Just because you weren't in complete control doesn't change shit."

Remus seemed taken aback. He looked out, staring at the building across the alley. Stiff heavy silence took over. Neither knew what to say. Finally after a few minutes Remus manged to break it.

"I don't know what even happened... But I have a feeling that it wasn't good." Remus mumbled.

Virgil glanced at him. "Do you remember nothing?"

Remus shrugged. "Bits and pieces. It feels like my body just wasn't mine, like I didn't really exist anymore."

Virgil looked at him, biting his lip. He tried to think of something to say, but his anxiety stopped him from speaking.

Remus looked over and smiled a tad. "Still biting your lip... Guess me and Jan couldn't break it."

Virgil chuckled coldly, shoulders sinking. "Guess not."

"I know this won't help, but I am sorry..." Remus said, offering a hand.

Virgil looked at the hand, and after a long pause he accepted it. "We can try to start over... No promi-"

Before Virgil could finish Remus pulled him into a huge. One of those tight hugs somehow only Remus could do. Virgil let himself relax, a smile filling his face.

Maybe one more change wouldn't be too bad.

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