18:Broken Strings

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TW:Good boi Remus, crappy parents

The next morning Roman woke up, surprised to find himself in his own room. For a minute his heart sank, think he had just dreamed the entire thing. Luckily he spotted a note in his door, stumbling across his room to read it.


I moved you to your room, I hope that was alright. I doubt sleeping on the couch all night would be comfortable or healthy. I will most likely be gone by the time you wake up, so know I made pancakes and they're waiting for you. They are on the counter.



Roman smiled, admiring Logan's neat handwriting. He particularity admired that crossed out line. It made his hearts do little back flips. God he was a hopeless romantic. Roman started down the stairs, remembered his phone, darted back up the stairs, grabbed said phone and started back down.

That's when he saw the text.

Roman:Who is this?

Unknown Number:You'd stop responding if you knew

Roman:Im not doing anything if you dont tell me

Unknown number:It's Remus

Roman froze, staring at that message. His heart went from being all warm and fuzzy backfliping to panic and anger backfliping.

Roman:Why would i want to help you

Unknown Number:somethings going on and i dont know who else to go to

Roman:How do I know this isnt  trick?

Unknown Number:You dont

Unknown Number:I need you to trust me

Unknown Number:Please

Roman:What do you want me to do

Unknown Number:I want to meet up

Roman:No fucking way

Unknown Number:You can bring your friends

Unknown Number:Roman please, I dont know whats going on

Roman:Why dont you just go to mom or dad

Roman:theyd be glad to help

Unknown Number:They hate me

Unknown Number:They always had

Roman sighed, walking into the kitchen. There was a plate of pancakes on the counter, just like Logan had said. He tapped his phone on the edge of the counter. He hate to admit it. but he did want to believe Remus was telling the truth, that he had changed. Roman wanted his brother back, badly.

He sighed, and with much anxiety typed out,

Roman:Fine. Be at the roof of -insert address- at 1:00 tonight. Come alone. I will be bringing the rest of Lux.

Lets fast forward for the rest of this day was very normal. Neither Patton or Virgil went to work again, Roman went to work, Logan went to his classes and what work he had that day. Very normal, for the most part.

At 12:00 Lux met at Logan and Roman's apartment. There was much surprise and a decent amount of laughing that the four had started dating one of the others on the same day. roman explained what was going to happen. Logan was pretty against it, Virgil was completely against it, and Patton was alright with it. With a bit of convincing Logan agreed. Virgil still hated the idea, but didn't want to just mess this up.

And at 12:40 the group was off.

Roman had purposely chosen a building in a very much abandoned. The only people they'd have to worry about were the people who lived in those buildings illegally.  And those people would never go to the cops or any authority so it felt safe.

Finally, at around 1:01 Lux arrived on the rooftop. A figure stood there, arms wrapped tightly around themselves.

"Remus." Princey said, making sure to keep his distance. Remus looked up, relief flashing across his face. He wasn't wearing a mask.

"You came..." He took s step forward, and all four Lux slid into a battle stance.

"Right," Remus said, taking a step backwards. "Supposed to be enemies." His voice went to a mumbled.

"Explain, now. what is going on." Roman was careful to keep his voice shielded. Virgil had lectured him on the dangers of showing that he had any attachment to Remus at all before hand. Though Roman had a feeling that Virgil was not only lecturing roman, but himself as well.

"This is going to sound insane and like I'm lying but..." Remus voice trailed off. He took a deep breath, looking Roman directly in the eyes. "I think someone's mind controlling me, or something. There's huge gaps in my memory,  times when I feel like my body's just moving on it's own."

"What are you talking about? That kind of thing isn-" Virgil started, but Logan cut him off.

"He's telling the truth," Logan said, the others turning just in time to see a glowing blue fad from his eyes. "I don't know if he's right but he isn't lying,"

Silence followed that, each member of Lux processing this, while Remus waited for someone to say something.

"So... How do we find out if he's right?" Paton asked, fiddling with their mask.

Logan frowned, thinking. "I have a few questions that might help. Remus," Remus looked at him, a bit startled.

"How did you escape this 'control'" He made a circle motion with his hand at the word control.

"I don't know... I managed to get out yesterday. I've had breaks where I feel mostly in control but yesterday was the first time I felt completely free."  Remus answered, shrugging.

Logan looked over at roman, and idea shinning in his eyes. "From what I know, yesterday would've been decently emotional?"

Remus narrowed his eyes. "Guess so..."

"None of this is going to determine if he's lying or not." Virgil snapped, motioning at Remus. He was visibly shaking, not from the cold.

Logan looked at Virgil. "I have an idea, but it's risky. I am not in much control of it."

"Stop being so vague and just explain it." Roman said, not taking his eyes away from Remus.

"Among my abilities there is mind control. It's weak, and I have never used it before. I see it as very unethical. However, I am willing to make an exception here." Logan explained.

Remus's eyes lit up. "That sounds like it'll work."

Logan nodded, taking a step forward. His eyes started to glow as his face twisted in concentration. Logan always seemed to not be in full control of his powers, none of the others had thought much.

Remus tensed his eyes turning the same blue. He immediately didn't seem like a person anymore, more like a rag-doll or puppet. After a few seconds the blue in both men's eyes faded away, and Remus returned to normal.

"Was it similar at all?" Logan questioned, returning to the other's side.

Remus frowned, thinking. "Yeah, I'd say it was." He smirked, pleased with this information.

"So great, he's mind controlled. What the fuck do we do now?" Virgil said, crossing his arms.

"Langue." Patton said, frowning at Virgil from under their mask. Virgil rolled his eyes.

"I suggest we return to this in the morning, acting on impulsion in the middle of the night is not wise." Logan said calmly.

Roman gave Remus the apartment address, and the five went their separate ways. Patton and Virgil back to their apartment, Roman and Logan back to theirs. Remus stayed on the roof for  a bit, thinking, before leaving for his own apartment.

And Piper, across the city, found one of her many puppet strings broken.

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