2:Two Sides of Town

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TW:Implied shitty parents, pretty extreme poverty, wanting to die joke, kinda denial/repression

The town the four lived in was very clearly split down the middle, one side being wealthy, and the other not so much. Virgil had lived on the not so much side for years, he hadn't always, but he avoided thinking about when he did.

The apartment Virgil lived in was known for being pretty run down. The landlord was greedy and an ass, the wallpaper was peeling in every room, every apartment was basically just one room, and the electricity was very rarely working. The people living there ranged from the sweetest old lady that had taken Virgil in the minute she saw him, to a grumpy, foul-smelling middle aged dude who could only lived there because he was related to the landlord. Still, a house was a house.

It was rare a new person would move in, since most people avoided it like the plague. When someone did move it, it became almost like a party. Kevin, the previous mentioned grumpy middle aged man, was told to leave for the day or just stay in his room, Ginger, the nice old lady baked some sweet, and everyone who was decent did their best to make it a nice welcome.

So when Virgil found out that someone new was moving in, he was pretty happy. Most times a potluck was organized, which meant not having to worry about food that day/week. He helped out where he could, since he was shit at baking and cooking.

Around 12:00 everyone who wanted to, and who Ginger allowed to, went up to the roof, waiting for this new person to arrive. After only about 10 the door that led to the roof opened, Ginger walked onto the roof, and was followed by a shortish person, who looked very happy to be there.

The person had the face and body of a born male person, but dressed themselves in a very feminine way, skirt, hair clips, that kind of thing. Virgil found himself smiling a bit, his gaydar sounding off pretty loudly.

"Everyone," Ginger said, resting a hand on Patton's shoulder. Patton was only a bit taller than her, so it wasn't too hard. Normally someone would have to squat a bit for Ginger to do that. "This is Patton, you better respect them or I'll beat some sense into you."

Virgil chuckled a bit, seeing that Ginger had taken someone else under her wing. After some shouts(or mumbles from those who Ginger would probably have to 'beat some sense into) of greeting normal conversation started up again. Virgil pulled out his phone, intending to wait for everyone else to start eating before he did.

"Virgil, there you are!" Ginger said, making Virgil look up. "Pat's around your age, thought it be good for you two to meet." She winked, a smirk crossing her face.

Virgil rolled his eyes, smiling at the old lady's antics. "If you're trying to set me up again, it's not going to work." He tucked his phone into his hoodies pocket.

Patton giggled from behind Ginger. "I'll try not to take that as an insult."

Virgil flushed, having not realized that Patton was there. "Shit! Sorry I didn't see you there!" He said quickly.

"Langue child!" Ginger scolded, Patton had seemed to be about to say the same thing though. Ginger's grip of her cane tightened, then released. If it had been someone else she would've bonked them with it, but Virgil was the exception. 

"Right, sorry Ging," Virgil said with a small laugh. "I'll be more careful."

Ginger nodded approvingly. " Now, I'll leave you two to chat." She smirked and toddled off, going to  lecture a different group.

Patton smiled at Virgil. "Ginger is an interesting person isn't she?" They said, looking back at the old lady.

Virgil scoffed and nodded. "Yep, she's kinda like the mom of the apartment." He watched as Ginger bonked someone a tad older than Virgil, clearly lecturing them about something.

Patton laughed. "I can see that." They said, playing with the hoodie around their shoulders. Virgil couldn't help but smile, his normal trust issues with new people missing. This person was just so.. innocent.

Virgil crossed his arms, leaning on the edge of the roof. The two were just a bit away from the left corner of rooftop, far enough away form other people they wouldn't be completely heard. "Careful kiddo," Patton said, "Wouldn't want to fall off!"

"Right," Virgil replied, biting back a comment about wanting to die. Patton seemed like the type to not really like that kind of joke. So instead he opted for, "Kiddo, aren't we like, the same age?"

Patton shrugged cheerfully. "Well I've got a few years on you! And even if I didn't, that's what I call everybody!"

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "K then... Pop Star?" He was cautious when speaking, testing how far he could go with Patton. By the way the enby's eyes lit up and his already big grin grew, pretty far.

Now, across town, Logan was working on a paper for class. He had been living in the richer part of town for a while, after obtaining a very good job. It provided him with a chance to return to collage to gain a PhD in social science. He gladly took this, and had been working hard ever since.

However he couldn't afford a apartment alone, and unfortunately, his roommate was officially moving in today.

Roman had been moving from apartment to apartment for a month now. Every place just didn't fit properly. This was like his fifth place. He had already moved all his stuff in earlier, and today was the day he officially started staying there.

So at exactly 12:15 Roman busted open the door, walking in while grinning. He looked around, from the kitchen to the living room to the two doors down the hall. It was pretty small for an apartment on this side of the town. it got a bad rep for this, but that was really the own flaw.

Someone who looked like they belonged in a library forever opened on of the doors, glaring at Roman. "Be more careful, if you aren't careful you'll break the door."

"Apologies...." Roman started, expecting the person to continue with their name. His roommate was a guy! Not even that but a decently hot guy! Not as hot as Roman, but up there! Oh he could already see the romance that could insue!

However, before Roman's romantic thought train could start, this roommate bastard just nodded and closed his door! Roman pouted, angered at this rejection. He quickly brightened himself up. He could take a challenge!

Roman walked over to the door, knocking on it. "Excuse me my dear roommate, but I am hoping to acquire your name?"

The door was opened again. "Logan." His roommate, or Logan, answered. "Is there anything else you need?"

Logan stood in a way Roman couldn't see inside his room. The prince themed hero frowned. "Well... No?"

"Good. Now, later in the evening I believe it would be beneficial to discuss boundaries and basic rules. However, for now I expect you to stay out of my room, and I will do the same for you."

Roman took half a step back as the door was closed again, erasing his romantic daydreams for good. He sighed and started to walk back to his room. Though as soon as his own door was closed he made himself brighten up. He was Princey! The best hero around, and heroes didn't feel sad or disappointed! No matter what the world threw at him, he could take it!

No matter what.

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