6:A Warning and A Plan

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TW:✨Shit logic✨, mass hacking by bad bois, Remus and Janus, threatening(?) manipulation, unedited.

After finishing their time at the cafe, Virgil returned to work. After spending another hour together, Roman and Patton went their separate ways. Patton returning to work and Roman to his apartment. Logan returned to work after finishing at the cafe as well. The rest of the day was incredible normal for what would happen in a few hours.

Slowly time ticked by, Virgil returned from work, then Logan, and finally Patton. For once Logan and Roman sat together in the main room, watching the news. It was rare the two spent time together, but now was an exception. Virgil was sitting around in his room, watching the news on his phone. Normally he would avoid something stressful like that, but it was useful for the vigilante. Patton was watching a kids cartoon in his own room, happily sewing up a rip on his costume.

Then, at exactly 11:59pm, every single device, in their town connected to a signal, started to flicker. Phones, televisions, computers. All around the town, on both the rich and the poor side people panicked, or tried to figure out when their device had broken. 

The screens went black, then very slowly an image faded in. Two men stood there, with a group of people behind them. Every person in the back wore a face-mask with a green, yellow and orange cycle with a gray owl inside drawn on. The two men each wore full masks, and hoods that cast a heavy shadow over their face.

All around the town, people went silent. Transfixed by this strange sight.

The man in yellow spoke first. "Hello dear fellow citizen, I know you are very confused right now," His voice sounded like it was strong enough to bring down entire buildings, and it sent a shiver of fear down even the bravest person's spine.

"I understand, but you have no reason to fear. We mean no harm." The yellow man continued.

"To most of you at least~" The man in green chimed in, voice almost like it had been put through several cheese graters before it had been used.

The yellow man chuckled harshly. "There is a group of people, hidden bellow the folds of your everyday life," He continued. "People with special talents, things no one else can do."

A picture of Princey flashed on screen. Roman froze completely, shock tearing at his throat. He tried to mask his fear, not knowing his roommate already knew about his other identity. All the way across town Virgil had a similar reaction, recognizing his friend immediately.

"These people live in fear it seems, WE live in fear," Anger seeped into the yellow man's voice as he motioned at the people behind him. None moved, in fact they all seemed frozen. "There are anywhere from 410 to 1,025. All of us having an ability NONE of you can understand."

The yellow man seemed to calm down, anger leaving his voice and body langue. "We will no longer live in fear, bellow those who natural selection failed." There was a smile in his voice, but not a natural one, it sounded fake, and like it was covering a thick sheet of malice.

Silence followed that, silence filled in different house by the whimpering of children, soft whispers of adult, people rushing to text their friends, a few even trying to reach their neighbors. Even in houses that were completely silent, there was a buzzing fear.

Finally, the yellow man spoke again. "By now your governor will be near getting control over the signals again. So a little message to my powered friends, join us. We can take our rightful place, a place nature itself gave us."

His voice softened, the previous anger and intensity gone. Instead the masked man seemed, kind. "You are perfectly normal, these abilities are not flaws, but gifts."

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