17:searching for something already there

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TW:Some good old angst, getting gayer, crappy parents, child running away from home,

Later that day Logan returned to the apartment, to find Roman lying face down on the couch. Logan raised an eyebrow, staring at his flatmate in confusion.

"Roman?" He walked over to the couch, standing over Roman. "Are you... Alright?"

Roman raised his head, looking up at Logan. "No, I am absolutely not!" He said, laying a hand over his face dramatically.

Logan huffed and rolled his eyes. "You seem to be fine enough to be over-dramatic."

Roman put a hand on his chest as though he'd been shot. "Oh how dare thee? I trusted you!"

"I merely speak the truth. However," Logan moved Roman's legs so he could sit on the couch. "If something is wrong I am here if you need to talk."

Roman seem to soften a bit, turning around so he was staring up at the ceiling. He sighed, crossing his arms around his chest. "It's just... A bad day for me..."

"What caused this bad day?" Logan questioned, watching his flatmates face closely.

"It wasn't anything that happened today," Roman shrugged. "It happened a while ago."

"Ah I see, one of those events that bothers us for years. How long has it been exactly?" Logan prompted Roman on.

"About ten years ago, I honestly haven't been bothered by it until recently." Roman responded, twiddling his fingers and staring at them. He didn't want to look at Logan.

Logan nodded slowly, looking back on what could've caused Roman to be bothered by whatever this event was. After a minute or two of him thinking he found something.

"Is it to do with your brother, Remus?" Logan asked, raising an eyebrow. Roman tensed in response, looking at Logan in surprise.

"Yeah... How did you know?"Roman questioned, propping himself up on his elbows.

Logan shrugged. "It was the only thing I could think of that would cause you to remember this event. Logically speaking it makes sense."

Roman smiled a bit. "Goddammit Logan, you always are overly logical." He mumbled, shaking his head.

"Well it is the most easy way to look at life," Logan explained. "Now, what is this event that is bothering you?"

"That's the thing... I don't even know what happened," Roman flopped backwards, laying down again. "Remus just, left. And my parents wouldn't explain what happened."

Logan frowned. "That is quite odd indeed. Would he have reason to run away?"

"I don't know!" Roman yelled, throwing his arms up in the air before letting them flop over his face.

Logan seemed very unbothered by the yelling. "Alright, do you want to find out?" He proceeded just as calmly as he had before.

"I don't know." Roman repeated, voice returning to normal. 

Logan nodded again. "Do you know what you want to do to distract yourself? I doubt wallowing in these emotions will be any help at all."

Roman smiled at his just a bit. "Up to watch a few Disney films?" He asked, voice going much higher than normal.

Logan let out a small chuckled. "If it will be a help to you, yes."

The two proceeded to watch a few Disney films, at first starting on opposite ends of the couch. However, as time went by Roman slowly started scooching closer. Until midway through Lilo and Stitch he broke the silence between the two.

"Hey Lo..gan?" He paused before finishing Logan's name as though we was going to say something else. Logan looked over at Roman who was staring at him with puppy dog eyes.


"Can we cuddle?" Roman asked, taping his pointer fingers together in that classic way.

Logan frowned a bit. "Well that is a way to produce chemicals to improve ones mood, however isn't that something that couples do? It also would involve a decent amount of moving about to reach a cof-"

Roman cut Logan off before the nerd could go on one of his rants. "Was that a yes or no?"

There was a pause before Logan's answer.


"Are you absolutely certain?" Roman asked again, not wanting to force Logan into anything.

"Yes Roman, I am." Logan nodded.

And with that Roman kola clung onto Logan, grinning as he buried his head into the nerds neck. A few minutes passed before Roman spoke again.

"And if the couples part bothers you too much. There's a way to fix that." Roman said, glad Logan woudn't be able to see his blush.

Logan raised an eyebrow. "Really? I can't quite think of one."

"I mean, I'm free this Saturday if you are." Roman said, moving so he could smile at Logan.

Logan stared at him, his cheeks turning red. "Are you... Are you asking me out?"

Roman shrugged. "Maybe? Are you going to say yes?"

Logan smiled a bit, looking at the screen. "Sure. It sounds... Satisfactory."

"Just admit you'll have fun." Roman said with a laugh, face returning to Logan's neck.

Logan chuckled, shaking his head. The two stayed like that with the occasional shift. However, because of this neither saw Roman's phone buzz, or the text that had made it.

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