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TW:Nearly dying at birth, minor injury, things are getting gay, sibling hatred/rivalry, mention of racism/racist ass American government system, 

PSA:In this I gave Roman a learning disability, how it effects him is from what I observed of my brother. I am by no means an expert, and if you are more of an expert PLEASE inform me.

While Virgil and Patton were hanging out, across town Roman was hard at work. After what had happened, he had to blow off some steam. Sure, they had won but that was only because of Virgil, Roman had completely failed. He'd let his emotions about Remus distract him from the battle at hand.

Currently, Roman was attacking the punching bag he had set up in his room, each punch both draining and growing his anger. Remus had been right. Roman had always been the weaker twin. When the two were were first born Roman hadn't been breathing, it was only because the doctors acted quickly that he had survived. And because of that Roman had struggled growing up.

Roman's brain had been damaged by the lack of oxygen. It had gotten him stuck with a shit ton of problems, the biggest one being a learning disability. Roman's parents had very much babied him, and it pissed Roman off. He was just as capable as Remus! What made that bastard smarter, stronger or better than Roman?! What did he have that Roman didn't?! His fist slammed into the bag at a strange angle, sending a jolt of pain through him.

He gasped sharply and took a step back, clutching his arm. "Dammit..." He mumbled, tears welling up in his eyes. He tried to blink them away but it just made it worse. At that moment there was a knock, startling Roman.

"Roman," Logan's voice said. "Are you in there?"

"Yes, what do you need?" Roman called back, voice cracking. He winced, anger at himself only growing.

Logan opened the door and walked in. "Is your arm alright?" He questioned pointing at Roman's still clutched arm.

Roman shrugged . "It's nothing, just hit that at the wrong angle." He pointed back at his punching bag, wiping the tears out of his eyes,

Logan frowned. "That could cause extreme damage if not treated properly," He said. "Stay here."

Before Roman could protest Logan left. Roman sighed and shook his heads, though he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face. After a few minutes Logan returned with an an ice pack a pill bottle. Calmly Logan handed Roman the ice pack.

"Place this where it is most sore." He ordered, opening the pill bottle as he spoke. Roman obeyed and pressed the ice pack against his upper arm. He flinched at the sudden cold but slowly adjusted.

Logan fished out a pill and handed it to Roman. Then grabbed Roman's water bottle from the floor and handed it over as well. Roman followed his cue and took the pill.

"That pill isn't going to like kill me or something?" Roman joked, managing a smirk.

"Of course not, why would I want to do something like that?" Logan asked, looking generally confused. "It was a Tylenol, it'll help with swelling."

Roman chuckled. "I was joking specks, I know you wouldn't kill me. I'm much too valuable to the team."

"Ah, right," Logan said, adjusting his tie. "However... I don't think your value is the only reason I want you around..." His voice lowered, almost to the point of a mumble.

Roman raised and eyebrow, sinking down onto his bed. "Oh?" He prompted.

Logan looked away, his pinks turning a bit pink. "I have to admit I've started to maybe, sort of... enjoy your company."

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