9:Out of Time

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TW:They fight, Remus/Janus, unsymp. Janus/Remus, former unsymp. Virgil, I'm bad at writing combat-, death, neglectful parent/dead parent, drug/alcohol usage, cult stuff, caps, angst(?), blood/cuts, unedited(i really gotta go through and edit these-)   

Virgil pulled away as his heart trying to leap out of his throat. The others had a similar reaction, stepping back. Roman even steady himself into a more battle ready position.

"Why so afraid?" The person who had grabbed Virgil said with stiff calmness. "We are very much the same."

The one who seemed to be the leader was in what looked like a black button up and had a black and yellow cloak of sorts. They was wearing the same mask from the video, only know they could see it in more detail. The right side was plain black while the other a strangely realistic snake face.

The person next to the snake dude chuckled at their silence. He was just in a plain T-Shirt, with leather gloves that clearly had been used before this. His mask was all black with a hyper realistic smile on it. "Oh goody, cats got your tongue?"

Princey snapped out of his shock immediately. "We are nothing like you!" He yelled. "You're evil and we're good!"

The snake chuckled cruelly. "Evil, good. What the difference really?" They said, folding their hands together. "We know about you all. You're outcasts, much like ourselves."

Virgil backed up so he was back among his friends, gaining the attention of the enemies.

"Ah, Virgil. How have you been?" The snake man sneered. "We've all missed you, such a pity you turned so suddenly."

"Shut up." Arachnid growled and curled his hands into fists.

The green man giggled. "Still just as spicy as before! Some things never change hm?"

The other three were staring at Arachnid, who pointy avoided looking at them. "I told you to shut it!" Arachnid shouted and lashed out, a web shooting out of his hand. It hit the green man and he stumbled backwards. The other's followed suit very quickly.

The yellow man made a tutting sound as a storm cloud like group of pigeons flew towards them. They seemed to melt into a puddle and a snake much too big to be natural rose form that puddle. The snake started to bite the pigeons with deadly accuracy.

L.O.S.T narrowed his eyes and was about to help when his body jerked to the side harshly. "Oh no you don't~" the green man said, peeling the last of Virgil's web off.

Princey looked over from where he was trying to hit the snake. "Lo!" He yelled and ran over, raising his hand to hit the green man when it jerked backwards.

"Oh dear Roman, don't you realized that you can't win?" The green man growled harshly. He turned to face the prince themed vigilante. "We are stronger. I am stronger. Since the day of our birth I have overpowered you."

Roman's face faded into complete shock and fear. "Re-Remus?!" He tried to take a step back but his legs wouldn't move. Remus nodded, head titling to the side.

"Bingo, my brother~" Remus replied, motioning with his hand. Roman's body lifted off the ground and was pulled over to Logan. The two sat there completely helpless.

By this point all of the pigeons had either died or fled, and Patton was being backed into a corner by the snake. They struggled to fight back but the snake destroyed anything that came it's way.

And Virgil, just watched. His body wouldn't move. He was stuck, frozen. All he could do was watch as his teammates, his friends, were defeated. He was... useless. When it came down to the life threatening time, he was completely useless. Person after person he just couldn't save, because he was no hero. He was just some dumbass kid who had a power. Virgil was helpless, watching as Patton's back hit a wall of a nearby building. Watching as the snake closed in. Watching as Remus slowly approached Roman and Logan. Just stuck, watching....

Again. Slowly Virgil's grasp on the present slipped away and he was tumbling into the past.

It had really started with Virgil's mom. She had been... distant to put it simply. She barely paid any attention to Virgil and his older sister. Virgil's father had died when Virgil was very young and ever since that Virgil's mom was just, gone. So Virgil's sister, Nayla, stepped into the parental role.

Nayla had been great. She had raised Virgil and taken care of him. She worked a lot since their mother used her money on drugs. Sure, it wasn't perfect but it wasn't awful. The two of them had each others back.

But all good things must come to an end.

When Virgil was 17 Nayla died. A bus she had been on had crashed. The driver was intoxicated and had crashed into the edge of a building. While there were a lot of injuries, Nayla was the only one to die. The news treated that as great news. Only one person died in this tragic crash! It's not like she had a family and someone she had to care for!

Virgil avoided taking the bus now.

A week after Nayla died he ran away from home. He found a job at some restaurant. He traveled form cheep hotel to cheep hotel. It was at his job he met Remus and Janus.

Janus worked there as well, and Virgil was always very intimidated by them. They wore a shit ton of punk things, not to mention they didn't seem to give any fucks about what other people thought. Janus was Virgil's first real exposure to a queer person, so of course he was beyond surprised.

Remus was Janus's boyfriend and would come in during Janus's breaks. Virgil and Janus worked a lot of the same shifts so they started to hang out together. The three slowly became friends. After a month and a half Janus and Remus admitted to having powers, and Virgil did as well.

Then the cult shit started.

Janus and Remus invited Virgil to join this group. It was pretty small at the time, five people plus Janus and Remus. They talked about how people with these abilities didn't deserve to be repressed and hidden away as they were. And Virgil had to agree. And that idea reminded him of Nayla. Nayla had never gotten upset with Virgil because of his power. Never told him to repress or hide it. And that's what dragged him in.

Things started to get violent quickly. Attacking people who Janus or Remus said were evil and bad. And Virgil just mindlessly followed. He had felt lost before, so having someone tell him his place and what to do helped. So he listened.

Virgil adopted the name Fear. He became the strongest fighter in that group. He had a place and was respected for the first time ever. But it didn't feel right. They were hurting people, people who seemed to be innocent. After only five months of being in Utrimque Tenebris, Virgil left.

Leaving was far from easy. No one wanted him gone. After all Fear was powerful and frankly, unstoppable. But Virgil was not Fear. He moved towns, started working at the music store and moved into the apartment. And after a month of living in that town he became Arachnid.

Being a vigilante wasn't easy. Especially while having the fear of Utrimque Tenebris in the back of your head. Virgil messed up a lot. People had died because he had froze up and failed to protect them. But not anymore, not again. He'd lost enough already he would NOT lose again.

Arachnid forced himself into the present. Froggy was still forced against a wall but the snake hadn't bit yet. Princey and L.O.S.T were bleeding but not badly. Arachnid turned his attention to Froggy and the snake sensing that situation was more dangerous. He shot a web at the snake pinning it to thr ground as he ran over.

"Froggy, go help the others I can handle this." Arachnid said, keeping an eye on the snake as it struggled to free itself. Froggy stared at him for a few seconds before nodding.

"And be care," Arachnid said, looking back at Remus. "He can control blood, so make sure he can't see you."

Froggy seemed to want to question how Arachnid knew this before they nodded and ran off to help their friends.

Arachnid turned back to the snake, only to find Janus yanking the last of the web off. They glared at Arachnid who glared right back.

The clock had started once more,but not for our heroes.

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