11:Daily Life

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TW:Insomnia, not eating a lot, V has mommy issues, I'm not too good at writing Remy, text speech(in a text convo) 

Virgil was the first to leave, since he had the earlier shift at work. He had to walk all the way across town to get there so he was a few minutes late. But that was fine, Piper was always alright with them being a bit late.

When Virgil walked in Piper was on the phone, he slipped into the backroom to put his bags away. He couldn't help but catch a few things form Piper's conversation.



"No, I don't think so."

"I'll keep an eye on him."

Virgil came out of the back room just as Piper was hanging up. Piper turned, surprised to find Virgil there. "Oh, hey there V. I didn't hear you come in."

Virgil nodded. "I think the door bell is broken," He said, leaning on the wall behind the counter. "Who were you talking to?"

"Hm?" Piper said as she tucked her phone into her pocket. "On the phone? My mom, she wanted me to watch my younger brother."

"Oh, makes sense." Virgil nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Piper frowned at him. "You seem tired..." She walked over to the counter, leaning on it.

Virgil smiled at her. "I'm fine, me and my friends just stayed up too late, that's all."

Piper faked a gasp, putting her hand over her chest. "Friends?! My boy has friends?!"

"Oh shut up," Virgil said, laughing and blushing. "I'm not THAT bad."

Piper raised an eyebrow. "Virge, before now the only people you talked about interacting with was that weird old lady."

"Hey leave Ginger out of this," Virgil said, still smiling. "She's the best weird old lady ever."

Piper laughed and nodded. "Sure thing bud." She answered. Her smile vanished and she tilted her head.

"Still Virgil, you need to take care of yourself," Piper said. "This whole barely sleeping or eating isn't healthy."

Virgil looked away. "I know, I'm working on it." He bit his lip.

Piper walked over to him, gently turning his head to look at her. "That's all I can ask..."

Virgil smiled and leaned into the touch a bit. Piper had taken a very mother like role in Virgil's life. Monkey brain has a female be nice to it and BLAM, attachment. Not that Virgil minded too much, Piper was a lot like Nayla, and it almost felt like he had his sister back.


Piper moved away. "You're on counter today, there's no way I'm letting your tired ass stock the shelves." She walked away with a smile, and Virgil was left alone at the counter.

Down the street Patton was in a similar situation. They were alone at the counter at their place of work, a local cafe. It mostly sold coffee to collage students, since everything was cheep and easy. Today was a much slower day though, so Patton had time to chill.

"Hey hun," A voice said behind Patton, making them turn. Remy, the owner and manager of the store had come out of the kitchen. "Whatca up to?"

Patton shrugged with a smile. "Nothin' much! It's a kind of slow day." They motioned at the mostly empty room. There were only one or two costumers sitting around.

Remy nodded. "Mhm, Tuesdays are always our slowest days, aren't they?"

"Yeppers!" Patton said, bouncing on their toes. Remy chuckled, watching them.

"Whoever manages to scoop you up into a relationship will be very lucky. You're like a ball of adorableness." Remy said, leaning against the counter beside Patton.

Patton flushed, playing with their hair. "Heh, you're just being nice."

Remy shook his head. "Whatever you say hun."

Patton nodded, and looked over at the television they had in the store. They froze up completely, staring at it in shock.

It was some local news station, playing footage from their fight last night! Luckily the footage didn't have any sound, and only caught towards the end. Still, Lux had never been filmed before. In fact they hadn't really got much public attention.

Remy followed his gaze to the TV. "Had you heard? People are saying there's another team of those weird powered people."

"Heh, that would be weird, right?" Patton said, trying to force a laugh. They couldn't look away from the TV, and had to hold their own hands to stop them from shaking.

Remy looked at them and frowned. "Are you alright? You look sick...."

Patton forced themselves to look away from the news. "Yeah I'm fine, this whole things scary."

Remy made a sound of agreement. "Still can't believe people like that exist." He motioned at the TV, which was talking about who was in Lux(of course, the news didn't know they were called Lux yet).

Patton nodded and looked down at the counter. "Yeah... It's crazy..."

A costumer came  in at that moment, so Patton had to return to working. Still, that shock didn't really fad for the rest of the day.

A few hours later, Virgil was on break. He was just sitting in the backroom scrolling through Tumblr when he got a text message. Last night the members of Lux had exchanged phone numbers, so that they could contact each other easily. It was from Patton.

Pat 🐸:Heya kiddo, are you free? 😊😋🤗

Virgil:currently yeah

Pat🐸: Well want to hang out? 🐶🤨

Virgil:my breaks almost over

Virgil:after works for me tho

Pat 🐸:Sounds great, see you then kiddo!💘😊😻🌈

Virgil chuckled at Patton's strange texting habits before standing again, looking over at the clock. He had only a few hours left of work, since he got off around 5:30. currently it was 3:30.

Virgil:see u in 2 hours then

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