4:The Prince and the Spider

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TW:Violence/fighting, implied suicide/suicide thoughts, start of a sexual assult, gun,

A power reminder:

Virgil/Arachnid:/Creating and controlling a silk like martial

Roman/Princey:Creating bursts of sound

Princey threw himself from the roof he was standing on to the next, just catching himself on the edge. He had learned very quickly that this was a much faster way of travel, since using the sidewalks would mean people stopping him. Even in just the moonlight he was recognizable. Hero struggles am I right?

At the same time Arachnid jumped off an apartment rooftop, throwing down a net of webs to catch himself. He technically didn't have "spider abilities", though with work he had learned to be able to move like how someone with those abilities would. He was basically a Peter Parker but instead of having the ability to climb walls and shit but having to make artificial webs, he had the webs and made himself be able to climb walls and shit.

The two were on opposite sides of the street, and both were unaware of the other.

Princey paused on this rooftop, looking around the simple city. It was a pretty average place, and so was the crime rate. He had discovered last month that crime was more common on the richer side of town, since there wasn't much to steal on the other side. Plus, people that lived there could probably handle themselves and wouldn't need Princey.

Arachnid was looking around as well, though from the ground. He was about to move on when he spotted someone standing on the roof. Quickly he darted across the street towards the building. That was not a good sign.

Normally you don't see comic book heros or vigilantes stepping in to protect someone who was just in distress, but Arachnid, Virgil, had promised himself he would. A real hero should save everyone they can. still, it was the hardest part of this job. He could practically hear his pulse as he used his silk to pull himself onto the buildings roof.

"Sir," Virgil said, adjusting his voice slightly. The man seemed to be in some prince get up, which was definitely strange. "Are you alright?"

The man turned, to revel he was wearing a mask around his eyes. He grinned. "Well of course! Why wouldn't I be?"

Virgil frowned, trying to figure out this guys deal. "You were standing on the edge of a building in the middle of the night."

Princey stared at this weirdo, looking him up and down. He had a face mask on, and some cloak. Not to mention the things he was saying. Why would him standing on a building be concerning at all? Oh. OH! Princey chuckled a bit.

"No need to fear citizen, I am not in distress! I am merely searching for any crimes that may be about!" Princey said, putting his hands on his hips and letting the slight breeze blow through his cape. Very majestic, 100/10.

The person in front of Princey rolled their eyes and mumbled something like, "he's one of THOSE." under their breath.

"Excuse me?" Princey said, crossing his arms. "I couldn't quite hear that." He let sarcasm drip into his voice.

The person scoffed, looking around. "Whatever. If you're alright I'm going to get going now." They turned to leave, curling their hands into a fist and back out again.

Some things started to click in Princey's head, and his eyes narrowed. "How did you even get up here, there's not easy way up. I would know."

The person froze, staring straight ahead like they had seen a ghost.

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