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TW:Mildly creepy? 4th wall break, mind control, Piper's a bitch, manipulation, stalking, caps, bullying, poverty, violence/blood/knife use, implied death/murder


"Every story needs it's villain"

"Unaware they were being watched, and not just by Logan"

" "I'll keep an eye on him" "

"trying to remember where she could have learned their name"

"did seemed off"


don't trust Piper.

There has been a trail. Laid out with small tiny details, small things. Piper. Our good friends Janus and Remus are the villains, correct? That's what they've been shown as. But I think it's time to turn back the clock, and figure out who our true villains may be.

Years ago, there was a shift in Janus and Remus. So small that it was barely noticeable. They went from just being angry about the world, to being violent, aggressive, and controlling.  To any outsiders it would just appear that they had, "had enough" as some put it. But really, Piper was the one behind it.

Piper, as you might've have guessed, has a power much like our heroes. Almost identical to a particular one's in fact. Piper can control minds, to a larger extent than Logan. And unlike our heroes, she is power and revenge hungry.  She saw Remus, Janus and Virgil, saw their anger and hurt the world inflicted on them and took it. She took control of Janus, then Remus.

Under Piper's control, Remus and Janus started Utrimque Tenebris. Under her control they gathered members, including Virgil. Piper's plan was to gather people, and put them all under her control. Only there was a flaw, Piper's power wasn't strong enough, she could barely hold control of three people. And a slight slip up would ruin everything.

So, Piper only controlled Janus and Remus, using them of sock puppets for her evil deeds. As Remus and Janus built Utrimque Tenebris, Piper worked to improve her powers. And just as she was ready to control Virgil, he left.

And that greatly angered Piper. Her perfect plan, having three sock poppets to lead an army, was ruined. She could've just found someone else, but no. She refused to give up. So she followed Virgil, getting a job at the same store, befriending him, trying to gain his trust.

For Piper's powers to work she needed to have the trust of the other person. It had taken a while to gain Remus and Janus, but she was sure Virgil would be earlier. Only he was far from it, and every time she started to get close something would happen that would mess it up.

But Piper, was manipulative as she was insistent, and she was getting close. There was just one thing in the way, Ginger.

Ginger is also not what she seems, though in a different way than Piper. Ginger also has an ability, the ability to view the future and past. She rarely ever uses it, though anytime she met someone new she would check if they were worth her trust. So when Virgil introduced Ginger and Piper, Ginger knew about her plans.

The two avoided each other, both trying to keep Virgil away from the other. Luckily ginger managed to protect Virgil, though the clock was as always, ticking.

Now that you can see the full picture, lets go back to the present.

Piper was sitting in the ally by the Lux apartment. Watching the group through the window closely. The three other Lux members had started to become a problem. Virgil had grown to trust them, more than he seemed to trust Piper. She would need to get rid of them. Whatever, it would be dealt with.

"Piper," A voice said, startling the red-head into turning around. Ginger was walking down the ally towards her. "Stop this madness, please."

There was pity in her voice, strong pity. Pity that only increased Piper's anger.

"No," Piper replied sharply, glaring down at Ginger. "You are an old weak fool, you cannot stop me."

Ginger gently rested a hand on Pipers. "Please... Come home. We can go back to the way things used to be."

Piper tensed, shoving the old women away harshly. "NEVER! Don't you understand? I hated the way things used to be!" She yelled.

Ginger stumbled backwards at the shove, staring at her daughter in shock.

"I was miserable! No one at school liked me, they mocked me, treated me like the dirt beneath their feet!" Piper continued, voice straining with pain. "We had nothing, nothing expect their scorn and hatred."

Ginger listened to this rant calmly, the pity still in her eyes. Piper stared at her mother in rage, waiting for a response, waiting for anything but this silence.

"Not anymore," Piper said after a silence, "I saw a way out, and I took it. You're a fool for not joining me." She spun, turning her attention back to the window.

Ginger sighed. "Is it worth it? Being better off because you used other people..?" She slowly walked over to Piper, standing beside her.


The reply was short, plain and sharp. But Ginger persisted. "Piper please, come home. We can do better together, be a family again."


Again, a short reply. Ginger looked at Piper. The girls eyes were hardened with rage, a sort of distant look in her eyes as she stared at the window. Ginger gently entangled their finger. "Let's go home."

"NO!" Piper yelled, hand lashing out as she shoved Ginger away. As ginger stumbled back a sharp pain seized her chest. A shimmering in Piper's hand confirmed the worst. There was a knife in Piper's fist, now red with blood.

Ginger stumbled into the wall, gasping for breath. Piper stared, eyes losing any sign of emotion. The knife fell out of her hands, landing on the concrete ground with a loud bang. Her hand shook, and she seemed stuck in one position. One shaking hand out, and one out to one side, her legs spread in a fighting position. Slowly Piper's hands fell to her side.

"I'm never going back," Piper said, voice cold and broken. She turned, staring towards the street, half stumbling half walking. "No one can make me."

Slowly Ginger sank to the floor, desperately clinging to her last bits of life. And Piper walked away, wiping a single cold tear off her face before she vanished from sight.

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