14:wE'Re AlL iN tHis ToGeThEr

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TW:Getting even gayer, reference past abuse, vaguely shit logic, I'm bad at naming chapters-

A few hours passed and Virgil and Patton started to head to the apartment. They hadn't talked about Ginger's comment, and neither planned to. Instead they talked about basically anything but that. The team had agreed to meet at least three times a week, or just as often as they could.

Patton was skipping along side Virgil, speeding up once they got closer to the apartment. Virgil smiled, amused by his friends antics. The two slipped down the side ally, starting the climb up the fire escape. Once they reached the right window Patton knocked on it.

Roman and Logan were sitting in their main room, waiting for the others. At the knock Roman stood and walked over to the window. He slid the window open and took a few steps back. Patton and Virgil sloppily clambered into the apartment.

"We really have to find a better way." Virgil grumbled, blowing his bangs up. It might've been an attempt to blow them out of his face, but it was unsuccessful.

Logan shrugged. "Other ways would cause possible suspicion. This way hides that you are coming into an apartment you don't live in daily."

"Because people climbing up the fire escape is less suspicious?" Virgil crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. Despite his tone of annoyance he was smirking.

Roman draped an arm over Virgil's shoulders. "For you they'll just assume your some rebellious teen." He teased.

Virgil shrugged the arm off and shoved Roman playfully. Roman tried to grab at him but Virgil darted away, hiding behind Patton. Roman, Virgil and Patton were laughing their asses off, and even Logan was practically grinning. 

"I'll get you." Roman teased, running at Patton. Patton held at an arm, blocking Virgil. Roman pushed Patton a side lightly, not hard enough to hurt really. Still, the movement fished up some unpleasant memories for Patton. They tensed and their body moved without them really knowing. They seeming blacked out, body out of their control.

Patton had no clue how much time had passed but when they re-grounded themself they were facing a very concerned looking Roman and Logan. Behind them was Virgil, just as concerned as the others.

"What... What happened?" Patton asked looking from one friend to another.

"You shoved me away from Virgil and wouldn't let either of us near you," Roman explained. "You kept saying you wouldn't let me hurt him."

Patton frowned. "Did I hurt you?" They asked timidly, looking Roman up and down. The prince themed hero didn't look hurt, luckily.

"No, you just freaked us out." Roman answered, taking a step forward. Patton tensed and their arm twitched out like they were going to return to protecting Virgil.

Virgil rested a hand on Patton's shoulder, carefully turning him around. "Pat, focus on me for a bit, alright?" He said, with a mix of firmness and gentleness.

Patton nodded, glancing back at the others. Virgil made a motion at the others to leave the room. Luckily they picked up on it and walked away. Virgil turned his attention back to Patton.

"Take a few deep breaths please?" He said, slowly getting his phone out of his hoodie pocket. Patton obeyed, breathing in and out. Virgil fished a pair of earbuds out of his pocket, plugging them into the phone. "Here." He handed Patton the phone.

Patton took it and put the earbuds in. Virgil reached over and hit play on a music playlist, and the sound filled Patton's ears.

"That should help you calm down a bit." Virgil explained. Patton smiled at him a bit, nodding.

"I'm going to go talk to the others, are you good to be alone?" Virgil asked. "Because if you aren't I'll do it later."

"I'll be fine," Patton answered. They paused, then continued. "Thanks Virgil... I don't know what that was..."

Virgil smiled a bit, looking way too soft to be the Virgil Patton knew. "You panicked, it happens sometimes," He explained, slipping past Patton. "I'll be back."

Patton watched Virgil left, smiling. The sense of stress was slowly fading, and they let themselves focus on the sound of the music. After like five or seven minutes the other three returned into the room to find Patton flopped on the couch. Patton sat up and grinned at them.

Virgil sat next to Patton. "You good now?" He asked, searching their eyes. Patton nodded and took out the earbuds, pausing the playlist.

"Yeah, thanks Virgey!" They said, handing the phone and earbuds over. Virgil blushed at the nickname, letting his hair flop over his face.

Roman sat on the other side of Patton. "Sorry if I freaked you out pmadre," He said.

Patton shrugged, brushing the skirt down flat. "You didn't mean to," They looked at Roman. "You were just having fun."

Roman nodded, though there did seem to be a shadow of guilt in his eyes still. Logan settled on the chair nearby. 

"If you do need anything, please inform us." Logan said, resting his arms on his legs.

Patton kicked their feet like a child. "Sure thing Logie." They said cheerfully.

"What's up with the nicknames?" Virgil questioned, shoving his phone back into his hoodie pocket.

"Well things ending in that sound are just so much cuter!" Patton said. "Your names should fit how cute you are!"

This turned both Virgil and Logan red. Logan pointedly looked out the window while Virgil opted to just stare very closely at the ground. Roman was absolutely losing his shit at this, and Virgil felt a strong urge to punch him. He controlled himself though, barley.

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