7:Light Sides

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Hero name reminder:





Which name used is minorly important ;)

Virgil just barely managed to will himself to leave his room after that broadcast. He had spent literally 3 hours just sitting on his bed, staring at the ceiling. In that time he had decided he'd stop being a vigilante. It was too big of a risk, and just sinking into the background again would be so much easier.

One last time Virgil would go out. Mostly because he wanted to let Princey know he was stopping. Hopefully he'd understand. God Virgil hoped he'd understand.

Arachnid reached his and Princey's meeting place before the other arrived. There was still a few people around, but none noticed Arachnid on the rooftop. Still, Arachnid squatted to make himself less noticeable.

Soon enough Princey joined Arachnid on the roof. Arachnid stood, looking at his teammate... His friend. Words wouldn't leave his throat.

"I assume you saw the broadcast?" Princey asked. Arachnid nodded, hands curling in and out of fists.

Princey looked around with a grin. "A friend of mine came up with a plan. He wants to form a group of heroes, one that could take down those villains and prove to the rest of the town that we mean no harm!" He looked back at Arachnid, expectation shinning in his eyes. "It'd be him, me yo-"

"I'm not doing this anymore," Arachnid blurted out. "It's not safe, and we might do more harm then good." He looked down at the people passing bellow.

Princey seemed taken aback, staring at Arachnid in very clear shock. "What? Arachnid what are you talking about?!"

Virgil shook his head and forced himself to make eye contact. "People are afraid of us now. And when people are afraid bad things happen..." His eyes went distant, mind sinking into the past.

Princey stayed silent for a few seconds, before firmly putting his hands on Arachnid's shoulders. "Listen to me," He said. "You aren't going to hurt anyone. I know that. How many people have you helped? And how many of those people were afraid?"

Virgil looked away again, shaking a bit. Princey bit his tongue, trying to think. Patton was good at comforting people... So what would they say? Dammit brain, work!

"We have to do this Arachnid," Princey continued. "If we don't those people will cause more harm then we could ever."

"But what if-" Virgil started, but Princey cut him off.

"Please. I need you, they need you." The prince themed vigilante motioned at the people walking bellow.

Silence claimed the air. The only sounds were cars passing, and the two breathing.

Arachnid sighed. "Fine... But the minute things start to go south, I'm out." He said, meeting Princey's eyes again.

Princey grinned. "Oh, by the way," he said, and handed Arachnid a bag. "A little gift." He winked, smirking.

At a different area of town Froggy was standing in an ally way, helping a lost dog get home. Their powers were very good at this, since all they had to do was know the address, and they could send the dog there easily. They had just finished and was watching the dog trot away when someone came up behind them.

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