8:Training is Messy

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TW:the bois argue, caps, aNgSt, poverty/not having enough money for food, Remus and Janus at the end, hand comes out of ally way and grabs V boio, unedited(for now)  

Note:since the plot has not much attachment to the plot of sander sides, this'll be mostly spoiler free for Flirting with social anxiety, for those who haven't seen it yet.

Now in a lot of super hero media, it is portrayed that every team can fight together right away with no trouble. Our four heroes, or vigilantes as Logan and Virgil said, quickly found that in reality, it was the opposite. The four were very different from each other, and thus, there was a lot of conflict.

Unfortunately, it started very quickly. After meeting as a group for the first time they spent about half an hour before all deciding it was late, and they would meet again. In the same place of course. Logan and Roman's apartment was a perfect place, mostly because it was large and well, isolated form the other residents.  

Due to it being Sunday none of the four had work, so they were able to meet early on in the day. And due to literally living in the meeting space, Logan and Roman arrived first. In that order.

By the time Roman strutted out of his room, grinning, Logan was already seated at the couch with a cup of coffee. Just, staring at the blank TV screen. His mask was sitting on the table in front of the couch.

"Well greetings nerdifier!" Roman said, flopping next to his flatmate.

Logan glanced over at him before returning his gaze to the TV. "Salutations Roman. I suggest you go get your mask, since it seems you wish to keep your identity a secret from the others."

"Ah, yes! Thank you for reminding me!" roman shot to his feet and returned to his room, emerging with his mask soon after.

Logan didn't look away from the TV as Roman returned to sitting next to him. Roman looked at his flatmate, then at the TV, and back to his flat mate.

"You know it's not on... Right?" Roman said, pointing at the TV.

Logan rolled his eyes. "Of course I know. I am gauging the public feeling, after all, last night would've been jarring to everyone."

"AH," Roman said a bit too loudly. "That... That makes sense." He nodded, looking around the room. A few seconds, maybe like 6, passed before Roman started to fidget with his mask, then got up and started to pace.

Logan sighed. "Must you do that? It is quite distracting." He said a bit sharply, rubbing his temple with a sigh.

Roman looked at his and paused in pacing. "I can't sit still for this long! Not when there's so much we could be doing."

"We can't do anything now. Rushing in without a plan is dangerous and reckless." Logan answered.

"Yeah well being quick to jump into action saves people so... There!" Roman retaliated.

Logan looked at Roman. "It also endangers people and could make the situation worse. A plan gives directions to follow and helps calm the situation down."

Roman scoffed, searching his brain for a come-back. "Well, uh, 87% of plans fail anyway! So there's basically no point."

Logan face palmed. "Falsehood! Only 67% do, and even so there is most definitely a point!" He said, voice raising to a yell.

the two continued to bicker until the others arrived, and even then avoided speaking or addressing each other. Unfortunately that was only the first. 

After setting up a plan the group started to meet every night. Mostly to adjust to working together and using their powers/abilities as a group. And of course, that led to conflict.

They had been working on traveling faster one night about a week after the groups start. Arachnid was the only one with a really effective power at this, so he was forced to be the back bone that night. Not exactly fun.

"Arachnid!" L.O.S.T yelled as Princey fell right through the web that had been meant to catch his fall. "There was no way that web would catch him."

Froggy ran over to their teammate while Arachnid spun to face L.O.S.T. "You have to give me more warning!" Arachnid retorted angrily. "I can't produce webs like that." He snapped before crossing his arms.

"You need to learn to then. There will be no warning in a real situation," L.O.S.T replied. "We're facing a big threat, we need to be more prepared than that." He motioned over at Princey, who was being helped up by Froggy.

Arachnid rolled his eyes. "I know how big the threat is, trust me." He grumbled, looking off to the side.

L.O.S.T frowned. "You need to be able to catch someone at seconds notice. No one is going to be able to warn you that they're falling off a building."

"I know." Arachnid replied flatly.

"When someone's life is at risk your power can't be the thing holding you back."  L.O.S.T continued ignoring the interruption.

"I know." Arachnid replied a bit louder, grip tightening on his crossed arms.

"If someone had been pushed off a building, and you had to stop them at this rate it'd be highly unpr-"

Virgil cut him off. "I know! I know all of this so stop telling me!" He yelled as his hands fell aggressively to the side. By the look in his eyes, L.O.S.T's comment hit too close to home.

"Let's all calm down kiddos... I'd say it's about time for a break!" Froggy cut in, stepping between the two. They reached into their supply bag and pulled out four cookies.

Princey rushed over, and Arachnid and L.O.S.T looked away from each other. That argument was settled intimidatingly. Froggy was really fucking good at baking like hell they'd pass that up.


Argument after argument followed. Even when facing threats the bickering was there. Whether it was the normal threats they used to face or smaller members of the Utrimque Tenebris. Though the arguments mostly were between Logan, Roman and Virgil, Patton sometimes got dragged into them. Much to their distress.

However, the clock ran out of time. And the real threat was getting closer and closer... Until...

It arrived. 

The group was walking back from a pretty successful night. They were planning to hang out at Roman and Logan's apartment(aka their base at this point). It had only been one and a half weeks since they had started the team, but news of them was spreading. Unfortunately it spread to the wrong people.

As the four were turning down the street that the apartment was one, a hand came out of a alleyway between two buildings and landed on Arachnid's shoulder.

Two figures walked out of the alley-way, the shadows hiding them mostly.

The person with their hand on Arachnid spoke first. "Well hello there Lux~"

The two stepped into the light, and all four froze in place.

Time, had run out.

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