16:Grief Creates a Spark

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TW:Death/blood/murder, a shit ton angst, police being assholes, poverty, mention of Trumpity Wumpity(if you're pro trump please go burn in hell <3), they do the smoochys and cuddles, consent is described as "silent",  

Virgil and Patton had stayed over at Roman and Logan's place that night. So they missed the chaos when their apartment building got word of Ginger's death. The next morning when the two had reached their building a neighbor was waiting outside. Her name is Ira. As soon as Patton and Virgil saw her, they knew something had happened.

Ira rushed over. "Did you hear about what happened?" She questioned before Patton or Virgil could even speak.

"Er... No?" Patton answered, looking at Virgil then back at Ira.

"Ginger... she... She was found dead in an ally way," Ira's voice cracked as tears filled her eyes. "She was attacked by someone. The police won't find out who did it."

Patton froze, staring at Ira as though she had turned bright yellow. Virgil's hands curled into fists. "What? Why won't they?!" He demanded, shaking with anger.

Ira sighed heavily. "They'll only do it if we can provide money to 'fund the investigation.'" She explained, putting air quotes over the last three words.

"That has to be illegal!" Patton yelled.

"Even if it is it'd take too much to press charges," Ira said and looked back at the apartment. "A few of the others are going to investigate without the police."

Patton stared down at the ground, tears starting to fall form their eyes. Virgil just stared off into space, as though he wasn't really there. The three stood in silence before Ira broke it.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." Ira turned to leave but then remembered something, turning back to them.

"Oh, Virgil," Ira said, gaining the emos attention. "Ginger had a message for you. It's been passed away a lot though. She said to not trust Peggy, said she was a danger."

Virgil frowned, eyes narrowing a bit. Ira rushed away with a quiet goodbye and left the two friends alone. Patton looked up at Virgil, shaking with grief and fear.

"Wh-Who's Peggy?" They asked, sounding a lot like a lost child.

Virgil shrugged, eyes still numb. "I don't know," He answered flatly. "We shouldn't just stand around out here."

Patton nodded in agreement, sniffing as a few more tears fell. The two walked into the building, where a solid layer of sadness sat. It seemed even darker than normal, with small groups of people talking in hushed groups in the hallways. A few glanced up at the two as they passed but nothing more than a small nod was exchanged. Finally they reached their floor.

Virgil started towards his door, fumbling his keys from his pockets. He was moving in a very stiff manor, most of his energy being used to process this news. He planned to just lay on his bed for hours, but Patton changed that.

"Virgil I-" They started, barely getting the words out. Virgil turned to face their friend. "I... Don't want to be alone."

Virgil's eyes softened a bit. "Want to stay in my room for a bit then?"

Patton looked up with a small smile and nodded. Virgil unlocked his door and walked into the busted up room. Patton followed, looking around.

"That's new." They pointed at a cardboard box. Virgil followed their finger and nodded.

"I started stealing confederate flags, Trump stuff, blue lives matter flags, and anything like that. I'll probably burn it sometime." Virgil explained, stealing on his desk.

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