3:Warnings and Friendship

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TW:Janus and Remus, forth wall break, death/threatening, anxiety attack/mental breakdown, some caps, it's kinda short, mostly just wanted to get the dark dorks in here.


New bois powers:

Janus:Shape-shifting(and being a bastard)

Remus:Can control blood(and being a gremlin)




Hey you there, yeah, person reading this. Bet you thought you weren't going to hear from us huh? Fool.

Question, do you know what every good superhero story needs? What role we may be here to play? Your answer should be a villain.  

This story may focus on those four so called heroes, but we're here, don't you worry. A little warning for you dear reader, the clock is ticking. It's only a matter of time until whatever you're holding onto, falls apart, and blows away.

Like your dad's ashes, unless you make coffee out of them!

So, please don't forget our warning. I believe JG wants their story back so, ta ta, for now.

Virgil stared at himself in the mirror, fumbling his mask off his face. He had just gotten back from patrol around the city and had already started panicking. This was very normal for the spider themed vigilante. Basically anytime he went out on patrol he'd break down when he got home.

Maybe it was the stress of having people's lives and safety on your shoulders, or the knowing that you are currently breaking the law and be arrested, or that one wrong move could end up with people getting hurt, innocent people. One wrong move gets that trigger pulled, and then-


Virgil slammed his hands down on the shitty sink counter, forcing himself to fight back those fears. He wouldn't let that happen, not again.

Take a deep breath, take off your gloves. Take a deep breath, take off your cloak. Take a deep breath, oh shit there was blood all over his shirt, from a cut on his side. He hand't even noticed he had gotten hurt, when did that happen?! How much did he even bleed?! Was he going to di-

Stop. Take a deep breath, take off your shirt. Take a deep breath and treat that wound. Take a deep breath, and start to take off your makeup. Take another deep breath, a different, not bloody and cobweb patterned shirt on.

Slowly Virgil started to ground himself again. The panic started to slow as he wiped at his heavy eye-shadow. He ran his hands through his hair, and closed his eyes. Virgil shut out everything else but the sound of the basically busted fan in the other room. Then, slowly expanded it one thing at a time. He opened his eyes and sighed, trying to decide what to do next.

There was a sudden knock at Virgil's door, startling him. Quickly he hid his costume under the sink, rushed over and opened the door. Patton was standing there, looking very, very worried.
And strangely, it seemed like they had the familiar remains of eye-shadow around their eyes, though it was a lot bright than black. Maybe white or a pastel.

"Are you okay?" They asked, frowning up at Virgil who was notably taller. "I heard a loud thump..."

Virgil smiled a bit, mentally cursing the SUPER thin walls. "Yeah, I'm fine. It might've been someone else."

Patton's frown grew and they tilted their head. "You look like you've been crying... Your eye-shadows all smudged."

"Wha..." Virgil started, than remember he hadn't fully finished removing his makeup. "I was just taking it off, I'm fine Pat."

"If you say so kiddo," Patton's frown started to shift into a smile, doing their little toe bounce. "I know it's a bit late, but I was wondering if we could hang out?"

Virgil glanced at back into his apartment at the clock next to his mattress. 1:01, am. Just a bit late? Still, he nodded and stepped aside, letting Patton into his apartment.

"I just have to go finish something." Virgil said quickly, rushing into the bathroom(the only other room the place had), and stashed his costume and such into the tiny closet he normally kept it in. He'd have to take care of that blood stain later.

When Virgil walked back into the main room, Patton was looking around. Not that there was much to look at. The only furniture was his mattress in one corner of the room, with a beat up night stand next to it. By the door to the bathroom was a desk and a chair Virgil had stolen from some racist asshole's porch. In the middle of the room was a small rug Virgil had also stolen but this time from a homophobic person's porch. And lastly next to the door was a mini fridge he had taken from someone's curb.

Yeah, Virgil had a habit of taking things. He never used the word steal though, because if you put up a Confederate flag or put a homophobic sign up, you're just asking to be robbed.

Patton looked at him and grinned. "Heya kiddo! Back already?"

Virgil nodded and sat cross legged on the desk. Patton looked at the porch chair, seemed confused then just shook their head and sat in it.

"I'm not even going to ask why you have this." They said, causing Virgil to laugh almost hard enough to fall off the desk.

Friendship man, it's great.

Tik, tik, tik, tik tik


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