5:Paths Crossing

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TW:Roman hates on emo stuff, stalking, talk of Brendon Urine being shitty, Logan kinda stalks the others, caps,

Virgil was once again at work scrolling through Tumblr. Piper had called out that day, so Virgil was alone for at least a half hour before another coworker showed up for work. He was pretty tired, since last night him and Princey had gone on a pretty long patrol. Not that he minded, hanging out with that dork was kinda fun.

The sound of a bell alerted Virgil that people had entered the store. He looked up to find a strangely familiar man and... Patton?! That was, unexpected. Neither seemed like the type to shop here.

The two walked over, and Patton's face broke into a grin. "Virgil? I didn't know you worked here!" They said cheerfully, doing the toe bounce.

Virgil smiled a bit and nodded. "Yeah... Surprise?" He answered. "What are you looking for?"

The familiar man shrugged. "Just, browsing. I would normally never come to some place like here, but I need a gift for a friend." He said, looking around with a slightly scrunched nose. Like he could SMELL the edgy that the store radiated.

"Yeah, your super secret friend." Patton teased, poking the man's side playfully.

The man chuckled and shook his head. "We will let you know if we need anything!" He said, turning on his heels.

"Mind if I hang out here?" Patton asked.

The man shrugged in response. "Whatever you want to do my dear rayo de sol!"

Patton giggled and turned to chat with Virgil, blushing just a bit.

Roman looked around the store, eyes hurting from all the black, neons and horrible color combinations. He would normally avoid places like this, however, he wanted to get something for Arachnid. And this was clearly a place Arachnid would love to go. It seemed anytime the two would stop and chat on a rooftop he'd bring up some emo band.

Now, the reason Roman had decided to do this was what motivated him to do many things. Romance. Sure, things with his roommate hadn't gone as planned. Logan only talked to him when he needed something. But a hero didn't give up after one defeat! Just imagine it, two heroes(or vigilantes as Arachnid said) in love, fighting evil together. Oh the drama that could take place!

Plus, to sprinkle in the classic forbidden romance, Roman had learned that Arachnid lived on the poorer side of town. Totally not because Roman once followed him almost all the way home one time.

After a bit of searching Roman found two shirts, one MCR one and one Panic! one. Deciding the dude at the counter would probably be able to help Roman started towards the front.

The man, who seemed a bit too familiar, was chatting with Patton. The two very clearly knew each other, perhaps from school or something.

"You there, you are emo correct?" Roman said, cutting into the conversation.

The man looked up and nodded slowly, eyes a bit wide and mouth in a straight line.

"I of course, am not. Which one of these would someone like you prefer?" Roman held up the two shits, and the person looked from one to the other.

The awkwardness seemed to fad, and there was a small spark in his eyes. "I can't speak for all emos but Brendon Urie has been proven to kind of be a shitty human being, so MCR probably."

Roman nodded. "Well then, I shall return soon!" He turned to return the Panic! shirt, as any decent human being would. He wanted to do more, but Arachnid wasn't one for grand gestures. Though he never flat out said he disliked them, he always left before the police showed up, and avoided ending up in the press. Roman may be self obsessed, but he knew how to read people. A good hero should be able to after all.

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