Chapter 14: New Feelings

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Jugheads POV:
These past 3 weeks have been so fun. Betty had never looked so relaxed since I met her. It was like a weight have been lifted of her shoulders. She looked happier since she had revealed everything about her. She even told me that only Toni, Charles and Veronica knew everything. I was so honored to have been one of the 4 people to know her past. I felt like I was now knowing every part of Betty Cooper. And she was even more beautiful now than before.

I was sitting in the cinema watching Bad Boys when Betty came in. She was just in sweat pants with her hair wet from a shower, just like me. 

J- Hey 

B- Hey, Toni already left a while I go

J- Oh okay, I'm just watching a movie. It's about to end, so you can pick the next movie.

B- Ouu Bad Boys, but when it's over I want to watch Step Up. 

J- Um okay

B- What? Don't judge a movie you have never seen. And just for that, we are watching all of them. Except for the first one, we can skip that one.

J- Why? Is it bad?

B- I don't know, I think it's pretty good. But it's about ballet and I don't love the songs. The other 4, I love the songs and dances.

J- Umm okay, that's a bit weird. And what if I wanted to watch the first one.

B- We won't, watch it by yourself later. I already put the second movie.

I saw she sat in the corner of the sofa.

J- Why are you sitting so far away, sit closer to me. And I also have the blanquet, and bring your popcorn. 

She then settled by my side and we snuggled sharing the blanquet. I put my arm around her waist, while she put her head in my shoulder. But it changed as soon as songs she started dancing and singing as soon as it started playing, which was literally all of them. By the time the salsa part came she pulled me to dance with her. We dance closed together, one hand in her hip and my other hand entangled with hers. Her free hand from mine was on my shoulder. I spun her a couple time and dipped her. She then spun me and then I was next to her side with my left arm around her waist. I wrapped both of my arms around her waist, while she twisted, I then had one arm around her waist. While she dipped and used both of her arm to simulate putting a hat on her like on the movie. We continued some more steps and she did some hip movements to suit the notes of the song and we stopped. Both a bit tired, I still hold her waist and looked down on her because I was taller. She had her hands on my shoulders and we laughed.

B- Okay I should stop dancing every song and just enjoy the movie.

J- You won't be able too

B- I'll try, but there is one dance I want to dance with you. I'm never able to do it with anyone and since we started working together you have become my dancer partner we need to do it.

J- Which one?

B- The tango in the 3rd movie, there's others but that's a big one I want to do. 

J- I would love to buttercup 

B- I had told you to stop calling me that you dork

Time passed and we finished the second movie, we then started watching the third one. And of course she knew the lyrics to all the songs. 

J- How many times have you watched these movies?

B- A lot, some of my faves

Some time passed at it was close to the tango. She stood up and dragged me to dance with her.

B- Okay so this dance I love it because it's sexy, it's to power your inner women and man. So you need to act like a man. Strong and dominant, sexy even. That's funny to say to you. 

She laughed, she really didn't think I was a man? I would show her how much a man I could be. The song started and we got in position, we walked a bit while she swayed her hips side to side. I pulled her strong to me so she could pass one of her legs between mine. I pulled her up with some force and pressed her back to my chest. I spun her so she was know facing me while we walked. Walking forward a step and facing inward to each other. We moved our heads side to side while swaying slowly to the left. I then pun and dipped her to my right and she lifted her leg up while I passed my head from the bottom to the top. Stopping at the back of her knee to hold it while she wrapped her other leg to my waist. I then put her down dipped her once while holding her head with one of my arms and then grabbed her waist while she feel back. Her arms went over her, but feel down since she was bent. The only thing holding her from falling, my arms. I pulled her up slowly caressing my fingers around her sides. It felt like time stopped, I had never danced with her and felt so intimate. I had never touched her legs, her sides or holder her waist so strongly and close to my body. I could sense she felt some electricity as we were still holding each other. Her hands were in my hair, as she our them their to get some balance when I pulled her up. She was breathing heavy and so was I. Her face was close to mine as I was looking down. Our lips just a few centimeters apart. 

J- I have always been a man, you just never got to experience it. 

B- I… uh… I'm just shocked

J- I know 

Betty's POV:

I didn't know what just happened, I felt sparks. Our dancing got heated and I felt like my body was on fire. Our bodies pressed together, his hot breath on my neck. I told him to be manly, and he certainly was. I knew he was a man, but I didn't know he was so manly. We finished the 3rd movie and decided to leave the other 2 for another time. It had been about an hour since we had cleaned everything settled into bed already showered and in pajamas. We were both lying in bed. He was facing the ceiling and I turned to look at him, laying on my side. 

B- You really shocked me when we were dancing you know.

J- Yeah I know

B- Was that your first time dancing the tango, I mean I know you are a great dancer. You have great rhythm, but that was something else. You were really technical and firm.

J- Remember I told you about my friend Ale? I told you he teached me everything I know about dancing. That was because his dad owned a ballroom studio in Brooklyn. And his dad teaches me a lot as well.

B- Wow, that's amazing

J- Where did you learn your skills?

B- My parents, they loved dancing and I ended up loving it as well. I was one of the beat in every college party.

I said with a smirk

J- I can see that, you steal the show at our hangouts. You will forever be my favorite dance partner. 

B- You will forever me mine too

We looked at each other for a while with smile on our faces. We then said goodnight and feel asleep. I was still left very confused and with my emotions all over the place. But one thing that was for certain was that I hadn't felt so happy in a long time.

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