seven 🦩

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"can't you see that im falling, falling for you?" - jack avery, falling

Izzy's POV

Daniel actually rented out a car for us tonight, so thats that. Daniel opened the door for me, and I kissed his cheek while sitting in the car. 

"Thanks pretty boy." "Anything for you." He mumbled and went to sit in the chair. 

"So, where are we going?" I asked him. "It's a surprise..." Daniel said glancing at me then back at the road ahead of us. 

About 15 minutes later, we stopped outside a fancy Italian restaurant. "DANIELLL! I love Italian food!" I screamed. "I know, love, thats why I brought you here." 

I furrowed my eye brows, and said, "Chris told you that, didn't she?" "Yes, she did." Daniel said under this breath while I giggled.

We walked in and went up to the reception thing, and Daniel said, "reservation for Seavey." "Right this way" the receptionist said walking towards a table for two. 

Another waiter walked up to us and handed us some menus and walked off. We scanned the menu for a minute then another girl waiter came up to us.

"Hi, there, what would you like?" she asked with a bored tone. Seems like she's said this why too many times and lost her enthusiasm. 

"I would like the chicken pizza please." Daniel said politely. "And for you?" the waiter asked me. "Um, can I have the gnocchi please?" I asked. The waiter nodded then swiftly said, "you're food will be here in a few minutes."

It was a bit awkward after the waiter left, because there was really nothing to say, so we were just awkwardly looking at each other, then looking away. 

After doing that for a while, the food finally came and we both coughed awkwardly then started eating.

After we ate and had a full on fight about who was going to pay (which was Daniel sadly), we went back into the car, but there was still a bit of awkwardness in the air.

"So..." Daniel said trying to start a conversation but failing miserably. "Um, yeah, right, so..." I said trying to add on to Daniel. 

"Oh, um we're going some where else if that's okay with you...?" Daniel said. "Of course! I don't mind!" I said. Daniel smiled widely than continued driving.

We arrived at one of the beaches that we've been on, and got out of the car. We walked on the soft sand for a couple of minutes before Daniel pulled on my hand that I was holding and walked me round the corner to a little part of the beach I didn't even know existed. 

We walked round and I saw a pretty lavender coloured picnic blanket set out with fairy lights and cushions on the soft sand.

 I gasped when I saw all this. "Do you like it, love?" Daniel asked in a hopeful voice. "Do I? I love it pretty boy!" I said wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

 The kiss was long and slow, but full of love and passion.

We stopped, and looked into each other's eyes. Daniel's blue ocean eyes are really his star feature. It's like you could get lost in them, it's amazing - such a soothing colour, he's really blessed to have an amazing blue coloured eyes. 

"I love your eyes." I whispered simply. Daniel chuckled and said, "thank you love."

We sat down on the lavender coloured blanket, and talked for hours, sharing a few kisses and hugging. It was really something special. 

Daniel was one of the most genuine person in the world, he makes you feel so loved and safe.

After talking for hours, we laid back on our backs and watched the stars. It was so peaceful. "Hey love?" Daniel suddenly asked leaning on his shoulder and elbow to look at me. "Yes, pretty boy?" I asked.

"willyoubemygirlfriend?" he mumbled quickly. "Daniel, honey, I didn't get that..." I said kindly. Daniel took a deep breath and said; 

"Izzy, when I first saw you, I thought you looked drop dead gorgeous. You were such a kind person to talk to, and such an easy person to talk to, you have such a caring personality to others, and always respect people's opinions and beliefs. These last couple of months getting to know you made me know that I wanted you. So, Isabella Catherine Street, will you be my girlfriend?" 

Just then we heard a sound like a twig breaking and turned to look at the bushes, there were literally shadows of people.

 Daniel and I looked at each other in confusion then, hesitantly, Daniel called out, "come out whoever you are..."

Eight people walked out of their 'hiding places' with major guilty looks on their faces. "Guys, really?" I said. "It was all the drop-out's fault!" Jack cried. 

"WHAT? ME? IT WAS YOU, YOU NOODLE HEAD!" Zach said. Daniel and me sighed, and shook our heads looking at the eight people that have leaves and twigs in their hair. 

"Who's idea was this?" I said. Everyone looked at Corbyn, and Corbyn sighed and said, "it was me." 

"Thank you Corbyn for being honest, but guys - we would of told you what happened." "Yeah, you don't literally need to spy on us!" Daniel added.

"Okay, yada yada, blah, blah, now Izzy answer the poor man's question." Christina said with a sassy tone. I blushed instantly, and turned to face Daniel and replied:

"Of course pretty boy."

friday 11th september, 2020.

word count: 907

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