thirty 🦩

918 14 0

"you got a bad reputation in my neighbourhood" - jack avery, hooked

Narrator's POV

Ever since that encounter with Daniel's picture up on Ainslee's wall, Izzy had been ignoring her opposite neighbour ever since.

Izzy thinks that she is trouble. And Izzy doesn't want to associate with troubling people. Izzy wanted to get to the bottom of Ainslee and Daniel's relationship, so she called the one person she instantly thought of.

<3 <3 <3

"Okay, let me get this straight - you want to know about Daniel and Ainslee's relationship?" Corbyn asked dumbfounded.

Izzy nodded. "Please tell me!" she pleaded. "Okay, fine." Corbyn shrugged and sat back on the couch.

"Daniel and Ainslee were high school sweethearts, they started dating when they were fourteen. Basically, three years later - Daniel had to break up with Ainslee because he thought long distance wasn't going to work. This broke Ainslee alot, because I could really tell she like Daniel. I could hear Daniel and Ainslee yelling over the phone for hours, until it stopped. Daniel was in his room for days. He was broken too, but he thought it was for the best. Then, Daniel finally moved on when he saw you." Corbyn finished his tale, and Izzy kept quiet.

She didn't realise that their break up actually affected Daniel alot. "Wow." Izzy breathed out. "Yeah, I know right?" Corbyn said.

"The boys and I tried to cheer him up when it happened, but he told us he wanted space and to leave him alone, and we did." Corbyn said sadly.

Izzy nodded understanding how Daniel would of been feeling through the break up. "So, what did you think of Ainslee?" Izzy asked curiously.

"Well, um... she was okay. Like she was nice she wasn't bitchy, but I had some sort of backstabbing vibes coming from her, though." Corbyn said honestly.

"Backstabbing vibes?" Izzy questioned. "Yeah, I don't know, she was nice and all, but there was some bad vibe about her, even the other boys thought that too." Corbyn continued.

"That's a shame." Izzy said slowly. "Yeah, I don't know - it's not a good sign if you have a bad vibe about someone." Corbyn said wisely.

"Yup." Izzy agreed. She felt that she could trust Corbyn, and that Corbyn was a good friend to go to for advice and all.

"Anyway, anything else?" Corbyn asked. "No, not really." Izzy said dully. "Well, um I better go, then something's happened at the house." Corbyn said rolling his eyes.

"Have fun." Izzy said laughing and following Corbyn to the door. "I will, I hope." Corbyn said and waved to Izzy while leaving.

<3 <3 <3

"You're coming to LA?" Izzy yelled when she was on the phone to Christina. "Yes, I am." Christina said like the information was nothing.

Izzy frowned - Christina wasn't acting like herself, she acted uninterested during the facetime call, Christina was usually bitchy - but in a good way.

"Are you okay?" Izzy asked, still frowning. "What? Oh, yeah I'm perfectly fine." Christina said with a fake smile. 

Izzy knew she was lying, but decided to let it slide, for now. "So, when are you coming?" Izzy asked awkwardly.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲 ☾ daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now