twenty eight 🦩

951 18 16

"i love you baby" - surf mesa, ily

Narrator's POV

Izzy had been seeing lots of photos of Daniel and the rest of the boys performing in a lot of cities, this made Izzy miss her boyfriend even more.

Izzy had enough of missing Daniel and wanted to fly out to one of his shows. She booked a ticket to Auckland, New Zealand.

The plane was in one day, so Izzy packed all her stuff in her suitcase and contacted Tyler that she was coming.

Tyler responded with a "good, i know daniel will be happy to see you." Izzy smiled at the text and then received a facetime request from Daniel.

"Hey, love." Daniel's tired face said. "Hi pretty boy. How was the show?" Izzy asked smiling at her boyfriend. 

"Amazing. Melbourne is a good crowd - and tomorrow, we're going to our first ever show in New Zealand!" Daniel yelled.

"Shut the fuck up!" They both heard Zach yell from another room. "Make me." Daniel retorted. "You wanna go?" Zach screamed back. 

"Yeah, actually!" Daniel yelled back, and the two boys started yelling at each other, before they both heard Jonah yell, "SHUT THE FUCK UP! BOTH OF YOU, IT'S 2AM IN THE FUCKING MORNING BEFORE I FUCKING COME AND SLAP BOTH YOUR ASSES!"

Daniel and Zach instantly went quiet and Izzy chuckled, "Pretty boy, you need some sleep." "No! I want to talk you to!" Daniel whined.

Izzy raised her eyebrows at the blue eyed boy. "Pretty boy - you need sleep. Tomorrow your going to Auckland so you have to get sleep!"

"Fine." Daniel sighed and then said, "bye, love." "See you soon, pretty boy." Izzy smiled at him and ended the call.

<3 <3 <3

The flight to Auckland was long and sweaty because it was literally an eleven hour plane ride. The food was disgusting and tasteless and the couple next to her were kissing the entire time. They might as well of had sex right there.

As soon as the plane's doors opened, Izzy ran of the plane as fast as she could and ran through customs and immigration to get to her bag and through security.

She walked out of the arrivals area in Auckland International Airport and looked around for Tyler, who was picking her up.

Izzy spotted Tyler at a New Zealand souvenir shop and ran over to him and hugged him. "Ty! I missed you!" Izzy said.

"I missed you to." Tyler simply said and motioned Izzy to follow him to the rental car he loaned for the 'New Zealand' portion of the trip.

They arrived at the Spark Arena, but it took along time because of the traffic and roadworks happening on the harbour bridge.

It was very noisy outside the arena, because they both could hear the in tensing screams of die-hard New Zealand fan - probably they were screaming because the boys came to New Zealand for the first time.

Tyler and Izzy entered the arena from the behind, back entrance. They walked in and it was a hustle of activity with stylists, artists, photographers and clothes everywhere.

"Boys! Your going on in ten minutes, Eben has three songs to go through! Are you nearly ready or what?" Izzy heard Jon yell. "Do you want to surprise Daniel now or after?" Tyler asked the girl.

"I don't know." Izzy said. "Maybe now?" she said. Tyler nodded and he walked towards the room which labelled, 'Why Don't We'.

Tyler opened the door, and yelled out to the five boys. "Yo, you have a visitor!" "Who?" Jonah asked. 

"Is it my mum?" Zach asked hopefully. "Gabbie?" Jack asked, his face brightening at the thought of his precious girlfriend. 

"You'll see." Tyler sighed and moved to the side. Everyone intensely looked at the door waiting for the mysterious person.

Izzy walked in, and Zach and Jack immediately sighed, while Jonah and Corbyn smiled warmly at her and Daniel jumped up from his chair and ran to Izzy and picked her up.

"LOVE! YOUR HERE!" Daniel yelled. "Shut the fuck up, Daniel and get the fuck over it." Jack yelled. 

"Wow, what's up with him?" Izzy asked frowning at Jack. "Oh, Jack? Don't mind him, he's missing Gabriela alot." Daniel said unconcernedly.

"Oh." Izzy said, then hugged Daniel again and said, "I wanted to see you perform in a country you haven't performed in!"

Daniel chuckled and hugged his girlfriend tighter. "How long are you staying here for?" he asked. 

"Um, only for a day because the day after the next I have shoots the whole day, and I have to be there." Izzy said slowly. Daniel looked sad, but then said wisely, "Let's make the most of it!"

Izzy nodded, and then the whole room heard Jon come in. "Okay, boy's your on in one minute, Eben's just finishing up and oh! Hi Izzy, how are you, honey?" Jon said kindly.

"I'm good, thanks! How are you?" Izzy replied politely. "Good, good." Jon smiled at her then continued his 'prep' talk.

"Okay so, it's our first time in Auckland and there is about a thousand people in the crowd today, and that's insane so make sure you remember all the choreography and your lines! I'm talking mainly to you, Zach." Jon warned, looking at the youngest boy.

"What? Me?! There's other people too!" Zach complained. "Sure there is." Jon muttered, then changed the subject.

"Okay, so is everyone ready?" Jon asked. The boys nodded and got up. "Okay, your on! Good luck boys." Jon yelled.

Daniel quickly kissed Izzy, and ran on the stage.

Izzy watched in admiration at how passionate the boys were in their music. The Auckland crowd were noisy, and there were many screams in the arena.

When it was interval, and the part where the boys talk to the crowd, a fan threw a toy giraffe on the stage. 

Daniel got fake annoyed and threw it back into the crowd, and someone caught it and she screamed loudly.

Izzy laughed watching it all happen. Daniel really hated being called a giraffe, and it was really funny because people would say it more.

<3 <3 <3

The concert and meet and greet ended, and Izzy and Daniel were cuddled up in Daniel's hotel bed.

"I really love you." Daniel whispered kissing the top of Izzy's head. "I love you more, like I really do!" Izzy whispered back.

"Impossible." Daniel said simply. "It's not!" Izzy said. "Is to!" Daniel retorted back. "No, it's not! I really love you!" Izzy said standing up.

"I LOVE YOU MORE!" Daniel said yelling. "NOT AS MUCH AS I DO!" Izzy yelled back. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU THE MOST! END OF DISCUSSION!" Daniel yelled.


The door burst open, and the rest of the Why Don't We boys stood there looking furious. "OKAY! WE GET IT YOU BOTH FUCKING LOVE EACH OTHER NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Corbyn screamed.

Daniel and Izzy went silent, then looked at each other and laughed. The boys rolled their eyes and walked out while the happy couple went back to their bed, and slowly fell asleep.

"I love you more than you'll ever know" Daniel whispered and turned the light of.

sunday 20th september, 2020

word count: 1183

p.s. lmao, if anyone of you is wondering how i know so much about Auckland, it's because i was born and raised there, and my mum actually worked for Spark :)

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