ten 🦩

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"and if the sky falls, i'll catch it, just to steal you a star" - daniel seavey, free

Narrator's POV

Izzy and Christina went to the arrivals part of Atlanta Airport, to meet up with the other girls, and from there, they'll go to their hotel and surprise their boys at the concert. 

"ISABELLA CATHERINE AND CHRISTINA HARRIS" Izzy and Christina turned their heads and saw Tate running at them, pulling a suitcase and having a backpack on. 

Izzy and Christina ran to Tate and hugged her so hard. 

"Yo, guys, I flew here all the way from LA and I get no hug?" all three of them turned and say Kay standing there with her luggage. "KAYYYY" all the girls screamed and hugged her.

"Um, excuse me, is no one excited to see me?" they turned round and saw Gabbie with a back pack on. 

"GABRI - FUCKING - ELA" Christina yelled and ran to hug the curly-haired girl, which caused a lot of people passing by look at the girls with an annoyed face. 

The others joined, and the five girls hugged for a solid five minutes before splitting of and smiling at each other.

"Are we ready to surprise our boys?" Izzy yelled. The other girls cheered and walked outside the airport to get a taxi to their hotel.

 Izzy, luckily hasn't given any hints away to Daniel, even though she badly wanted to. 

<3 <3 <3

The girls were actually lucky to find a room which fitted all five of them. They each had a bed, but all had to share the same bathroom, which no one really complained about. 

They all made a pact to share the bathroom and take turns in the shower. 

Tomorrow was the concert, and all the girls were pumped to see their boys and watch them perform on stage. 

All the girls were just chilling, probably texting their boys saying 'that they miss them and wish there were here' or on Instagram. 

Izzy got a text from Anna:

anna seavey <3

hey, girl! how are u?

daniel's girl <3

annaaa!!! hey! im good, u?

anna seavey <3

hehe, hi! i'm doing alright. what are u doing now?

daniel's girl <3

don't tell daniel this, but i'm in atlanta with the other wdw's gfs to surprise them! 

anna seavey <3

omg! that's a great idea! daniel will be so happy!, and don't worry, your secrets safe with me :)

daniel's girl <3

awe, i love you! 

anna seavey <3

I LOVE U MORE! and when will u come to LA? I haven't seen u yet :(

daniel's girl <3

don't worry, i have a break soon, so, i'll def visit!

anna seavey <3

omg, yay! im so happy now! :)

daniel's girl <3

okay, well, i gtg! love u anna x

anna seavey <3

love u too! and i gtg too, my mum's calling :)

daniel's girl <3

omg! say hi to momma seavey for meeeeee!!

anna seavey <3

will do :)

Keri and Izzy have a really good relationship, as Keri reached out to Izzy on Instagram, after knowing that her son and Izzy were a couple.

Them both talking about everything possible, and having that bond. Keri was a really easy person to talk to, and definitely one of Izzy's inspirations.

<3 <3 <3

The next morning, Izzy was the first one to wake up. She walked over to the bathroom and turned the shower on and took one. 

She went to the sink and brushed her teeth and did her hair, while doing her hair, she heard her phone ring.

 It was a facetime from Daniel. 

Izzy declined it, then texted Daniel that she was 'in a subway', so that Daniel doesn't get suspicious, because Izzy's in another room, after seeing the message, Daniel immediately called her.

"Hey, love." Daniel said softly. "Hi baby." Izzy said while smiling. 

"How are you?" Daniel asked. "Pretty good, but - hey, pretty boy, where are you right now, like what city?" Izzy asked to make to seem that Izzy definitely wasn't in Atlanta.

 "Oh, um - we're in Atlanta, love, we have one show here, and then two free days in Atlanta, it'll be so boring though, because you're not here!" Daniel whined.

 "Awe, don't worry, because we could facetime?" Izzy suggested, but knowing that she wouldn't facetime him, because they'll be together. 

"Yeah! We could facetime!" Daniel said excitedly. Izzy laughed at the excitement Daniel had to see her. 

"Anyway, pretty boy, I have to go, my agency's calling me." Izzy said, because she heard the other girls wake up and start talking. "Okay, bye love." Daniel said. "Bye pretty boy." Izzy said and hung up.

Izzy walked out of the bathroom and saw all the girls awake on their beds making conversations. "TODAY'S THE DAY OF THE FUCKING CONCERT, BITCH!" Christina yelled, making me and the other girls laugh. 

"I'm so ready to surprise them, though." Gabbie said. "I know, right?" Kay said agreeing with Gabbie. 

"Imagine the looks on their faces when they see us!" Tate said laughing. "But, how do we surprise them?" Christina asked. 

"I was thinking we could be at the back of the concert, so no on recognises us, and then at the meet and greet, we act like crazy fans, and the boys will realise it's us." Izzy explained. 

"That's a good idea, actually - we're doing that!" Christina said, while the other girls nodded.

<3 <3 <3

Thirty minutes before the concert, all the girls got ready with big clothing and hats, so no fans or the boys would notice them. 

They all got in a taxi, and drove of to the concert, they came 10 minutes just before the concert started, which was good, because all the fans would of come early to get good seats.

They walked in the big venue, and immediately felt so hot, because of all their big clothing - but it would all be worth it, when they see the boy's faces. 

Izzy was so excited to finally see Daniel in person after a couple of weeks. All the lights suddenly went out, and a couple of lights lit up on the stage to mark the start of the concert. 

saturday 12th september, 2020

word count: 1006

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