twenty six 🦩

977 14 1

"and the party don't start 'till i walk in" - kesha, tik tok 

Narrator's POV

"So, I was thinking that all the Why Don't We families and girlfriends' could come together, and have a little celebration." Keri said.

Izzy, Anna and Keri were sitting at a little cafe near the beach, talking about plans when Keri came up with this idea, Daniel and the rest of the boys were out rehearsing.

"Yeah! Mum, that's such a good idea!" Anna said excitedly. Izzy nodded and smiled at Keri. "We could have it at our house." Keri suggested.

"Oh my god! Yes! And you could make your famous casserole, I know all the mums love it!" Anna said.

"Okay, so we could have it in one week." Keri clarified, texting away. After a minute or so, she cried out, "Everyone's coming!"

Izzy was excited to meet all the families of Why Don't We. "Shall we go back to our house?" Keri asked Izzy.

"You could drive back or stay with us." Keri continued. "Of course, if that's alright!" Izzy said. "Of course it's okay, honey - your family now."

Izzy smiled warmly at her then walked to her car to drive to to Keri and Jeff's house. "WAIT! IZZY!" Izzy turned around and saw Anna running up to her.

"Can I come with you?" Anna asked. "Yeah! Of course, I want some company anyways." Izzy said and motioned Anna to get it.

<3 <3 <3

It was the day of the "celebration" and Izzy was getting ready because she wanted to look good. She'd only met the girlfriends and the Seaveys so she had alot of people to meet.

Izzy walked to her car and started to drive to Keri and Jeff's house. She walked to the front of the door and knocked on it.

Gabriela opened the door and pulled Izzy in a big hug and squeezed her tight, but making sure she didn't hurt her baby.

Gabriela was two months into her pregnancy, and she's had a mass amount of support. She choose not to tell the fans just yet, and she's been getting alot of help from Jack, too.

"I can't wait for your baby!" Izzy squealed touching Gabriela's belly softly. "Me too." she replied, smiling.

The house was a bustle, because of all the people. There were about thirty people standing in one room.

She looked at saw the Why Don't We boys in a bundle, the girlfriends and some sisters in another, and then Svea, Reese and Isla playing with themselves.

Izzy caught Daniel's eye and smiled brightly at him and waved. Daniel waved back and blew a kiss at her.

Svea, Reese and Isla came running up to Izzy when they saw her. "Hi! You must be Izzy, Daniel's girlfriend!" Reese said giggling.

Reese held her arms up, and Izzy picked her up and swayed her lightly, while she was talking to Svea and Isla about stuff.

Daniel watched her girlfriend from afar, and saw how good she is with kids, and how she always makes sure there all included - he really loved Izzy.

Reese started falling asleep on Izzy's shoulder, but Izzy didn't mind because Reese was eight, so she gently told the girls she had to go to Myta and give Reese to her.

Izzy walked of to find Myta which was with the other mums. "Hey Myta!" Izzy said when she reached the mums.

"Oh, hey Izzy! How are you?" Myta asked. "Good, thank you, but Reese here fell asleep so I don't know what to do." Izzy said.

"You could put her in the spare bedroom upstairs to have a nap." Keri suggested. "Could you, please?" Myta asked.

"Of course! Reese is a sweet kid!" Izzy smiled at Myta and walked off into the spare bedroom. Izzy gently placed Reese onto the bed and grabbed a blanket from a stack of linen from the shelf and unfolded it.

She neatly placed the blanket on Reese, and tucked her in tightly. As she was tucking Reese in, Reese woke up and she said softly, "can you tell me a story?"

Izzy smiled at Reese, then pulled up a chair and sat down, next to her on the bed. 

"There was once a princess that lived in a far off land, she had no one to come visit her, no one even knew her name. She was lonely and she lived by herself. The princess lived in a tiny cottage with amazing lilies and iris's springing around the cottage."

"One day, a dear came near the cottage. Now, the princess was smart enough to plant vegetables and fruits outside, so the dear came and ate everything. The poor princess ran outside in despair because the dear ate everything."

"The princess could die because there's no food left, so what did she do? She went in search of finding some food."

"She stumbled across this sign that read, 'Magical Plain.' The princess had no choice, but to follow the sign."

"The princess reached a field filled with fruit trees and amazing vegetables, being hungry, the princess grabbed some bright red apples of a tree and eat the apple quickly."

"She didn't realise the apple would make you grow smaller. So the princess shrinked to a size of a bird. She panicked and tried to find someone to help her grow back to her own size."

"The princess got a thought and tried to eat another fruit. She slowly became taller, because the princess was smart, she thought that you had to eat all the food that was growing on the plain."

"One problem was that it was getting dark, and the princess had to act quick and eat all the food before the sun fully set, or otherwise she would stay that size forever."

When Izzy said that last part, Reese gasped and said, "will the princess go back to her normal size?" "You have to wait and see." Izzy giggled and bopped Reese's nose.

"The princess was very fast and smart so, she quickly grabbed all the fruit into one big pile, she then took a bite of all the fruit, slowly becoming her original size, when she was her normal size, she rejoiced and ran out of the plain as fast as she could."

"She reached her cottage, but she found that there was nothing there. So, the princess looked around in despair and started walking to some random place. She reached a palace and walked into the gates."

"The princess walked in and she immediately saw the queen and king of the land. The queen and king looked at the princess, with their eyes wide open. They broke into a run and hugged the princess."

"The princess didn't know the king and queen so she was confused. The king and queen saw her confused expression and explained, 'were your parents, you were taken away from us and we tried to find you, but now your here'."

"She immediately started crying and hugged her parents tightly, the end."

Izzy finished the story and saw that Reese was asleep already. Izzy chuckled and kissed the top of Reese's head, and walked out of the room.

She walked out and saw everyone standing there. "Hello?" She asked in a confused voice. "Your so good with kids!" Kay yelled. 

"Ssh!" Izzy warned and said, "and all of you were standing out here for how long?" "Um, since you actually went inside?" Kristen said.

"By the way, love. That story was bomb." Daniel smiled at his girlfriend. Izzy laughed and said, "I made that story as I went."

saturday 19th september, 2020

word count: 1228

p.s. lmao if that mini story isn't good, im sorry because i just had to make it up as i went, hehe x

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