thirty three 🦩

840 15 13

"is it too late now to say sorry?" - justin bieber, sorry

Narrator's POV

After Izzy stormed out of Jonah, Corbyn and Eben's house, she cried in the Uber home.

"Are you, okay sweetie?" The Uber driver asked. It was a women, in her forties. "Yeah, I'm fine." Izzy mumbled and used the sleeve of her hoodie to wipe away her tears, when she realised that the hoodie belonged to Daniel, she cried harder.

The car stopped at a light, and the Uber driver turned around and gave a tissue to Izzy saying, "let me guess, boy troubles?"

Izzy nodded and chuckled. "How did you know?" "Well, honey in my days I would cry over boys like you are doing right now, but then I realised, if I really love him - then I would fight for him." The Uber driver kindly said.

"Have you experienced some thing like this?" Izzy asked, sniffling.

 "Oh yes honey! Of course, I had this boy I loved, and one day something happened and I cried for hours. But then I fought for him and look at us now! Happily married for twenty years with three children!" 

Izzy blushed, thinking of what it would be like if she and Daniel had a family, but then quickly snapped out of it remembering what happened ten minutes ago, and her blush faded away and turned into a frown.

Before Izzy knew it, she had reached her apartment. "Here you go honey." The Uber driver said, stopping outside of the complex. "Thank you so much, I really appreciate it." Izzy said. 

"It's nothing, sweetie." The Uber driver replied and drove away. Izzy took a deep breath and walked into the lobby of the apartment complex.

<3 <3 <3

As soon as Izzy opened her apartment door, she instantly regretted it because she saw all the pictures she had on the wall of her and Daniel.

Izzy fell to the ground immediately, crying and finding it hard to breathe. Izzy forgot to close the door, and she was grasping for air, but her tears were stopping her.

She was so in pain, that the one person she really loves broke up with her, it felt like someone had put a knife in her chest.

Izzy didn't notice someone walk through the door and scurry to the kitchen. The person returned to Izzy and handed her a glass of water.

Izzy opened her eyes and saw Ainslee sitting next to her with her arm around Izzy's waist. "Your gonna be okay, it's okay." Ainslee gently said.

Izzy calmed down eventually and her breathing slowed down. "Thank you." Izzy whispered. "No problem."

The two girls moved onto the couch, and immediately got flushed with awkward silence, that both the girls hated.

"So, um - how did you know I was you know-" Izzy started. "Oh, um your apartment door was open and I was walking past, and I um heard you, so I came in to see what happened." Ainslee interrupted.

"So, um is everything okay?" Ainslee continued. "Oh, yeah. Everything's fine." Izzy said chocking out the words.

"Are you sure?" Ainslee said, raising her eyebrows. "Okay, fine! It will be kind of weird because your Daniel's ex, but I broke up with Daniel because he accused me of cheating on him with his best friend! I mean - what type of person accuses their girlfriend of cheating when they have no proof whatsoever! It's not even fair-" 

"Your rambling." Ainslee said shortly. "Sorry." Izzy said putting her face in her hands. "I'm really sorry, but um is this weird for you?"

"Nah, it's fine - besides I'm over him and we've moved on." Ainslee said. To be in fact, Ainslee hadn't moved on and she still longs to be with her first love.

But she didn't say anything because she knew Daniel had moved on.

thursday 24th september, 2020

word count: 626

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