thirty eight 🦩

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"i know i shouldn't care, but i still miss you" - kay cook, thinkin' bout it

Narrator's POV

Izzy had found an apartment in Paris, and she already paid for it - and she also packed all her stuff in boxes, ready to move.

Izzy sighed when she realised she needed one more box, so she grabbed her eyes and a coat and walked to the door to put her shoes on.

She walked to the elevator, when she didn't notice she bumped into someone. "Oh...sorry." Izzy said, then she looked up.

Daniel James Seavey.

"Oh, it's you." Izzy mumbled and sighed, walking into the elevator. Daniel watched her go in and got a glimpse of her face - bags under her eyes and she looked tired, then walked to Ainslee's room.

"Come in." Ainslee called out when Daniel knocked on her door. "Oh, hey babe." Ainslee said realising it's her boyfriend.

"Is everything okay?" Ainslee asked when she saw Daniel's mood. "What? Oh yeah - fine. Just something at the studio." Daniel lied.

"Okay...." Ainslee said.

<3 <3 <3

Izzy walked through her apartment door with an empty box under her arm. She walked to her room and put the last of her clothes in the box.

"I swear to god if I have to move again, I'm gonna throw some fucking hands." Izzy mumbled and dragged the last box to the living room, where all the other boxes were.

Izzy puffed and looked at her work. She had packed, taped and carried all of the ten boxes herself without any help.

She heard very loud laughing coming from the apartment across hers, and Izzy rolled her eyes. She was used to their shit.

Izzy had unfollowed everyone "Why Don't We" related, and vice versa. All of Daniel's family, the boys the girls - the boy's siblings and the parents.

Of course, all the limelights caught on and the word spread all around the 'drama' pages on Izzy's explore page.

It got to the point, where Izzy was tagged in a million things and Izzy had to turn her tags of because she was sick of all of the drama.

She had spent nights upon nights researching about Paris and applying for multiple job offers like modelling there.

<3 <3 <3

Izzy woke to the sound of her computer dinging in the morning, so Izzy groggily got up and opened her eyes.

Dear Isabella Street,

We are please to say that you have been accepted as a model for L'Oreal Paris. You have already informed us that you are moving to Paris in one week, so the start date will be perfect.

We hope to see you soon,

Jean-Paul Agon, CEO of L'Oreal Paris.

It took a minute for Izzy to realise what the email really meant, until she started squealing and jumping up and down.

It took a minute for Izzy to realise what the email really meant, until she started squealing and jumping up and down

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isabellacatherinestreet i got into L'Oreal Paris!!

user so?

user no one cares lmao

user ur pretty

user okay and...?

user love the shirt

<3 <3 <3

Moving day was here, and Izzy sighed when she saw the truck to come and take her stuff. The people came in to get all her stuff, one by one.

After all her boxes were settled in the truck, Izzy walked to her room to get her suitcase and double check she got her passport and important documents.

She sold her car because she wanted to get a new one in Paris, and it was cheaper because she would buy one with a number plate already there.

Izzy called an Uber and waited for it in the cold. She felt a presence behind her, and she turned around to see Daniel.

"Hey." Daniel said. "Hi." Izzy replied and looked away. "Where are you going?" Daniel asked with a confused look and gesturing to Izzy's suitcase and passport in her hand.

"Paris." Izzy said simply. "Paris?" Daniel asked. "Why?"

"Because I've had enough of being alone, enough of no one supporting me, enough of the city's drama and enough of your toxic stupid fans that come after me!" Izzy lashed out.

Daniel looked at her with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't know..." "Well, of course you didn't because you were too busy fucking Ainslee." Izzy retorted.

"How did you-" Daniel started. "Because I could hear you! Both of you were so loud, it was ridiculous!" Izzy sobbed. "The whole fucking apartment complex could hear you!"

"Oh." Daniel said and looked at the ground. Izzy saw a car approaching and glanced at the number plate that was the same on her phone.

"Well, that's my Uber. Bye Daniel." Izzy said and swiftly got in. "Bye." Daniel whispered and watched the car drive away with his ex-girlfriend in it.

<3 <3 <3

When Izzy got on the plane, she breathed a sigh of relief. She was starting a new life, again.

She was done. Done with Los Angeles and it's bull-shit.

friday 2nd october 2020

word count: 800 


𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲 ☾ daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now