eighteen 🦩

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"all we want, is a little place where we can all have fun and I swear I won't break a thing - jonah marais, friends

Narrator's POV

Izzy woke up that next day with a bit of pain in her leg, but then she realised that it was Daniel's birthday today, and she'll be telling him that she's moving to LA. 

She got up with great difficultly, one being trying to get out of Daniel's strong grip on her waist and also walking to the bathroom limping. 

After she finished her business, she walked downstairs to make some breakfast for Daniel. She walked into the kitchen, and saw Christian already there making some toast. 

Christian looked at Izzy for a spilt second and then said, "you and Daniel were loud last night." Izzy turned red, while Christian laughed.

 "Shut up." Izzy mumbled and started gathering all the ingredients to make pancakes. "Oh, and the rest of the boys, Anna and Gabbie are coming over later." Christian said informing the girl.

Izzy nodded and carried on making pancakes. When she was making her last pancake, she felt strong arms around her waist, Izzy smiled because she instantly knew it was her beloved boyfriend.

"Happy birthday, pretty boy!" Izzy said turning around and hugging Daniel, while he kissed her head. "Thank you, love. You being here makes me feel even better."

Izzy smiled, and said, "I made pancakes for you." Daniel smiled warmly at her and took a plate of pancakes while Izzy took the maple syrup and passed it to Daniel across the bench top. 

"THESE ARE SO GOOD, WHAT THE HELL?" Daniel yelled after taking a bite. Izzy laughed and said, "I knew how to make pancakes since I was like eleven." 

Daniel and Izzy kept small conversation until they heard a door open and close with a girl's voice saying, "IZZY'S FAVOURITE SEAVEY IS HERE, BITCHES!" 

"Yup, that sounds like Anna." Izzy laughed and saw Anna walked into the kitchen, and steal the piece of pancake Daniel was just about it eat. 

Daniel pouted and whacked Anna on the shoulder. "You meanie, that was for me!" "Too bad." Anna said with a sassy tone.

Daniel pointed the middle finger at Anna's back and Izzy saw and said, "Daniel! Don't point that finger at anyone!" Daniel playfully rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out like a little kid.

"Hey, pretty boy - I need to give you my presents." Izzy said after they both ate their breakfast, planning that she should give Daniel her presents and save the best one until later. 

"Love, you didn't need to get me anything, you being here is enough." Daniel protested.

"Well, too bad because I already got them." Izzy said and took one of Daniel's hands and led him upstairs. "Okay, so - sit on the bed and close your eyes." Izzy instructed. 

"The bed we had sex on yesterday?" Daniel flirted. Izzy turned red and said, "shut up or otherwise you're not getting anything tonight." 

Daniel immediately sat down on the bed with his eyes closed. "That's what I fucking thought." Izzy mumbled while getting out her suitcase full of presents. 

She threw everything onto the bed next to the place Daniel was sitting. Daniel felt things thrown next to him, and wondered what the hell it was. 

After she finished taking everything out, Izzy said "Open your eyes now, pretty boy." Daniel, at once looked next to him and saw different types of clothing and accessorises. "Love! This is amazing, oh my god!" Daniel exclaimed picking up different things.

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