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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

*R........ G*

* nG*

*R..I.n.G... R....G*

*RiNG rInG!!!!*

My eyes who open and I smashed my digital alarm clock.
" *sigh* looks like I need another one."
I said. I looked at the clock checking what time is it.

'4:30 AM'

I narrowed my eyes and just blankly stared at the clock.

I got up from my bed the clock on my hand I opened the window of my room and throw the alarm clock far away to who knows where.

I took a shower and I put on my uniform. "This is a perfect fit," I said and grabbed my jacket. When I put on the jacket is suddenly tightens around me.

"Registration..." The jacket spoke.

"Wait what?!" I said. I looked at my jacket in the mirror.

"Please register my name..." The jacket spoke.

"Name...?" I whispered.

'Oh, right the director said it's a special jacket. But this is too freaky.' I thought sweat dropping.

"How about... (R/N)," I said. The jacket didn't speak for a few seconds. When suddenly something covered my face.
"W-What?! What the heck is this?!" I exclaimed.
"Wait my voice!!" I said. My voice became robotic.

"Get this thing on my head off me!!!" I pleaded. Then the thing that covered my head got off. I tried to take off my jacket but it won't come off. I had no idea what happened. My jacket speaks then something covered my head. I don't have an idea of what is happening to me. Then suddenly I remember something.

"Umm... (R/N)?"

"Yes, Q?" My jacket spoke.

"I thought you guys send me this jacket so my identity will be hidden?" I asked.

"Well, the director changed the plan and decided that I will be your disguise. Your hero costume is not ready yet but it's special it has specific effects that will help you to not lose control of your ability and boosts. Meanwhile, I will be your disguise. The hero administration will apparently send you to S-grade missions. Even though you haven't graduated to Otonokizaka yet. Everybody in the administration knows you have hidden potential. So I will be your disguise so that the media will not be able to recognize you. The thing that covered your head earlier was a helmet. And the voice will be your fake voice. If you want I can change the voice if you want." 
(R/N) explained. Oh, I get it. Well, it's not that hard to take it in

"I see," I said. I checked at the time again.

'5:34 AM'

"I don't care if I'm early or not. I'm going to school. I don't want to sit around here for 3 hours." I said and picked up my bag. And put my shoes on. I exit my apartment and walked to school. Otonokizaka is pretty far from my apartment. I thought I can ask
(R/N) some questions.

"Hey, (R/N) can I ask you some questions?" I asked.
"I will answer any questions you ask Q." (R/N) answered.
"When will my hero costume arrive?"
"Apparently it will arrive next week"
"Next week... Ok"
"Does the hero administration know about my... Past?" I questioned. Hoping they don't know.
"The only one who knows is me and the director." (R/N) answered. I stopped walking. "My past is safe, right? No one will know except for you and the director" I sternly said.
"Of course." (R/N) said. I continue walking until I reached the gates of Otonokizaka.

2nd P.O.V.

On the distance, we see a beautiful
(H/C) (H/L) haired girl wearing glasses is walking towards Otonokizaka. And far behind her is a girl with ginger hair wearing a dark red cardigan is running in her direction.
"(Y/N)-chaaannn!!!" The girl exclaimed hugging (Y/N) from behind.
" Agh!" (Y/N) said balancing herself trying not to fall.
"You went to Otonokizaka too!" The ginger-haired girl said breaking the hug. " H- Honoka it's... Wait you wake up early?!" (Y/N) said backing away from Honoka holding out a Jesus cross. Honoka pouted "Your so mean (Y/N)- chan!" (Y/N) fixed her composure and stood up straight.
"Sorry. But I didn't know you studied in Otonokizaka." (Y/N) said. "Well I was planning on going to UTX but my mom said I should go to the school where she and grandma studied," Honoka explained. "But wait if you're going to Otonokizaka then that means you have an ability too!" Honoka exclaimed. "Yes, I have an ability too."
(Y/N) said. "What color is your cardigan Honoka?" (Y/N) asked curious what's the color knowing she has a lot of potentials. "Hm? Oh! Mine is Dark Red!" Oh. "What about you?"

(Y/N) know it's black but she needs to pretend to have a low profile.
"Dark Red, " (Y/N) said. Honoka's eyes widened. "Dark Red?! Then that means your strong!" Yep but way stronger than you Honoka. "I see."

"I will head in first I don't need a tour around Otonokizaka. See you later Honoka" (Y/N) said walking away. Honoka looked at (Y/N)'s figure till it disappeared. Honoka smiled brightly
'You've changed (Y/N)-chan'

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was looking for the principal's office as I was about to turn around the corner I almost bumped into someone before I hit her I immediately stopped walking. "Oh!" The person said. I bowed "My apologies I was not looking where I was going," I said and walked away. I don't have time to talk to people I need to find the principal's office ASAP. I then saw a door with that has "Principal's office" on it. I knocked on the door and opened it. I saw a woman with ash- brown hair wearing a professional suit.

"Hello, there you must be the new student!" I assume the principal said.
I nodded. "Yes I am, my name is (Y/N)
(L/N)" I introduced myself.
"Well, I'm the principal of Otonokizaka Academy. Principal. Minami" She introduced herself.
"Here is your schedule do you need a tour around?"  She asked. I hooked my head "No need I already know the way around the academy." I said pushing up my glasses. "I see well if there is any problem you can go here.
I hope you enjoy your stay here in Otonokizaka." She said. I exited the principal's office. I looked at my schedule.


So my first class is P.E. not bad. It starts at 8:50. My classroom is 2-1.

'2-1 I walked passed by that room a few minutes ago.' I thought and began retracing my footsteps. I then stopped when I was in front of the classroom door. I was about to knock when suddenly.

" *whispers* Q someone is behind you" (R/N) whispered to me. I immediately turned around to see who it turned out there was no one.
" (R/N), there's no one." I said. Then my instincts turned on I got into my fighting stance. "Whoa there!" I heard.
I looked behind me and saw a male teacher.
"Ah, sorry. My instinct kicked in" I said and bowed. The teacher chuckled. "No need by first I need you to follow me." The teacher said. I looked at him confused. "Isn't my class supposed to start?" I asked. The teacher hooked his head. "No. I think Principal. Minami forgot to tell you. That you need to take the entrance exams." He said.

"Entrance... Exam?" I asked.
"There's an entrance exam?" I asked again. "Yep but it's a request by someone. It's not normal we have transfer students from out of nowhere who's level is 4.3 you're just taking this test to see if you're not a terrorist or a spy from other schools." He explained walking away. Wow already judging me.
" *sigh* Ok I'll follow you I'll just wear anything that can make me move around in ease," I said following him.
"You don't have your hero costume yet?" He asked. "No, it's not done yet."
I said. "Ok"

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Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now