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Author: Did you guys knew? I wrote a persona x male reader back then, but I deleted it cause it became boring for me.

It has... 200-ish reads but I deleted it, it only has 5 chapters and it even reached #1 on the "Persona" tag!

But meh, I still deleted it. Who cares anyway?

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

At the mention of my past, I froze in my position. Mori gained her breath and fixed her posture

I lower my head a little and turned away from Mori.

I gritted my teeth a bit "Why should I?" I asked in an angry tone

Mori's P.O.V.

I knew it, her past can trigger something in her...

I immediately backed away a little and waved my hands "No, sorry. Don't mean to ask something personal. Just want to test something" I said. Which is true

I saw her calm down and she sighed "What was that for?" (Y/N) asked, anger still present in her tone.

"... Okhwang told me about your past... And I want to know if that triggered anything to you," I said, closing my eyes and crossing my arms

"Triggered anything to me?" (Y/N) asked confused

"You see, some heroes don't have the best childhood. And your one of them, basically the same as me. And knowing that it could trigger something in you could be dangerous." I explained, I opened my eyes and looked at her directly at the eye

"But it seems I'm wrong that's good"
I said

(Y/N) looked around and saw a cafe nearby

"Hey let's talk in the cafe, I'm sure there are more things you want to talk about" (Y/N) said pulling my arm and dragging me inside the cafe. We eventually found empty seats and sat there.


A waiter came to us and asked what's our order. (Y/N) ordered some (F/D) while I ordered an iced coffee

I see (Y/N) frown a bit "Hey, tell me why don't you smile?" Hearing the term "smile" I glared at her

"Why should I?" I asked my tone darker than the usual ones I use to threaten people.

(Y/N) raised her eyebrow "Okay, smiling for you is had or something?" (Y/N) asked

I sighed and rest my chin on my palm "No unless you want to see a murderous smile" I said, (Y/N) sweatdropped and looked at the menu, probably don't know what we should talk about next.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Okay... This is awkward

Ace, can you help me?



"Don't worry you can ask me anything, no need to be awkward" Mori said, looking at the window

I put the menu down and looked at Mori, I noticed that every since we met, she always has this solemn face.

(Solemn face means very serious face)

"Well, I'm just not quite used to talking to you cause we only talked about fighting business, not other things, and you always have that serious face of yours" I explained, Mori stayed silent and looked at me, I can feel the air around us grow heavier and I immediately regret saying that

Mori then touched her face with both of her hands "Sorry, I noticed it when we met a day ago. You looked nervous and quite standing straight" Mori said, then she runs her hands on her black hair, her silver eyes narrowing

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now