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Author: Sorry for not updating, I've been busy with a game I downloaded a few days ago...

Look, I'm obsessed with card games okay? And I do not include love live games cause that's a rhythm game, not a card game.

The only exceptional rhythm game for me is "Cytus" and "Cytus ll"


Mori's P.O.V.

It was Sunday and as any normal person will do is just relax and enjoy the free day. But for me, it's not.

I groaned in frustration "Why the hell am I supposed to go to the store?" I asked Okhwang

Okhwang sighed "Again, the ingredients I the cafeteria is limited, it can only feed a few of my staff. So please do me a favor and but the ingredients okay?" Okhwang explained again. We have been arguing for the past 10 minutes because of this.

I scratched my head and sighed heavily "Fine... Blame yourself when I go missing" I slightly joked.

I exited the Hero Administration wearing a white t-shirt and a dark blue jacket tied around my waist

As I made my way to the supermarket I bumped into someone. I bowed my head and quickly apologized then walking away, not noticing the shocked looks of the people around me.

Then someone tapped my shoulder, I looked over my shoulder and saw a guy with black hair and red eyes

"You" he called out

I turned around and slightly glared at him "Yes?" I ask while crossing my arms, seriousness present I the tone of my voice

"How dare you bump into me without apologizing properly," The guy said

"Come again?" I ask

"Hm, are you deaf? I said, how dare you bump into me without apologizing properly" The guy repeated. His eyes glaring at me.

Feeling my anger rising, I balled my fist, trying to hold my anger in "No I'm not deaf and why would I apologize when I already did?" I scoffed

Then the people around us started to panic, then I feel something hit my neck. Then I blacked out

Okhwang's P.O.V.

I was in my office sorting papers out, then I looked at the clock, noticing how long Mori has been out

I stood up from my seat and went to the cafeteria, there I see my staff panicking

"What's going on?" I ask

One of them stood up and showed me a video

There it showed Mori and a black-haired guy, it seems like there arguing but what happens next shocked me. He chopped his neck and Mori fainted he carried Mori on his back and walked away, then the video ended

I looked at them "Go to the lab and find out who's this judging by the looks of it, he's a student. Try to find out which school he goes to."

The staff looks at me unsurely

"It's an order"

They immediately stood up and went to the research lab.

I sighed 'Mori, I pray for your safety'

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was in my room sleeping when my phone rang, I lazily got up and answered it "Hello...?"

"(Y/N) I'm sorry if I'm bordering you but have you seen Mori?"

Realizing who's the voice owner is, I clearer my throat "No, I haven't seen her, is there something the matter King?" I ask

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now