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This is a remastered version of chapter 13... I... Accidently tapped the delete option instead of the revision history...

Sucks to be me

And to those who are confused about who's Mori, that's Yukio...

I changed her name to Mori cause as you see in the last chapter I accidentally put Yukio instead of (Y/N)

And it's pretty confusing. That's why when it's (Y/N)'s point of view, I put Nakamura instead of Yukio.

So I changed her name to end my confusion
Mori's P.O.V.

He got away like he always does...


I was chained up on the wall beaten up and bloody.

Tokia then turned to me he held a gun to my head

"Are you going to change your answer?" He said pushing the trigger a little bit trying to scare me.

I looked at the bloody ground "No, shoot my head I don't care, I won't join your bullsh*t" I said looking up to him.

He growled and fired the gun at me.

I chuckled "You know... You've been shooting that gun at me for the past days... It's getting annoying..." I said as the bullet stayed on my forehead blood dripping down. I can taste my blood

(Is it just me or when I bleed I suck it back so I can't waste my blood... Pretty weird right?)

He reached for his pockets to reload but there was none left. He sighed heavily realizing he doesn't have any extra bullets.

He looks at me and puts his finger on my lips "I'm letting you go... For now..." 

I looked at him " What do you mean... Your... letting me go that easily?"

Tokia turned his back "Of course since you are pretty hard to convince. Most of my victims will eventually give up but... You survived the longest... I'm impressed"

"Well I survived a freezing forest and hungry wolves so I guess it's nothing new to me," I said.

He walked towards me and takes off the chains attached to my wrist. When the chains came off my wrist my body fell but fortunately, Tokia catches my body and held me in his arms.

(Don't you dare ship them-)

"Now, now don't worry. You're free to go, just don't get caught by the other villains" He said pushing me out of his locked-up room. I look behind me and saw the door shut.

I sighed and put my hand over my bleeding forehead "I need a month recovery"

"Two weeks of recovering from trauma"

"3 weeks of recovering from major injuries"

I groaned and walked out of the warehouse "This is worse than being pushed off a building..."

Flashback end

When I left the warehouse I thought he was not that bad like the other villains but after hearing news about his victims and his criminal record all 
of that changed.

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now